You Know You're A Chinchilla Owner When...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I’ve been reading these comments for a while, laughing and nodding in agreement that yep, you’re a hedgie owner (or owned by a hedgie, lol) if you do this...
Yes, I check poops everyday as a health indicator.
Last thing each night I tell my rescue herd I love them, goodnight, see you in the morning.
First thing each morning I say “Good morning little ones.” Than check, especially new rescues and those with health issues, to see if they’ve eaten during night, healthy poi’s, other signs of activity levels.
Other signs you’re a hedgie or chin person:
Arrived late or left early from family gatherings because your critters had a special need.
Shop specific fabric prints (fleece for blankets, cotton for snuggle bags) because it compliments your critters personality.
Tell guests they have to keep voices down, hedgies are sleeping.
Turn lights down by a specific time so your hedgies are more comfortable coming out to eat and explore ( being most active nocturnally, lol).
Lol why is this so true lol

you should make one you know your friend is a chinchilla owner! Lol

btw I can totally relate toReceiving chinchilla supplies as a Christmas/Birthday present is 10 times better than getting a new gadget or piece of jewelry lol literally me!!!
lol. Same here! My whole B-day/Christmas wish list consists of a chinchilla wheel, chinchilla treats, chinchilla chews, chinchilla playpen, chinchilla emergency kit and a CN cage add on!😂😂😂
lol. Same here! My whole b-day wish list consists of a chinchilla wheel, chinchilla treats, chinchilla chews, chinchilla playpen, chinchilla emergency kit and a CN cage add on!

Lol friends at school “what did you get for your birthday?”


Friends at school: “...... 😐

Me: “what’s wrong?”
8. When your parents schedule a vacation/camping trip and the first thing you do is call a babysitter for your chin
9. You are constantly cleaning up chinchilla poop (in awe, wondering how they could even poop that much!)
Lol friends at school “what did you get for your birthday?”


Friends at school: “...... 😐

Me: “what’s wrong?”
Friends: umm...why didn't you get something fun?
Me: like what?
Friends: a phone case or something
Me: (mouth drops wide open) Phones aren't cute and fluffy! Phones don't greet you in the morning! Phones can't be your friend or jump 3 feet high! You can't spoil phones with treats and toys, now can you?!? Huh?
Friend: (walks off disguisted)
(fast-forward to her b-day)
Me: guess what I got you for your b-day Sarah?
Friend: what?
Me: open it and see!
Friend: (opens box and screams) aww! This is adorable! What is it?
Me: a chinchilla
(Fast-forward to her next b-day)
Me:so what do you want for your b-day Sarah?
Friend: chinchilla treats, chews, or maybe a wheel or even a...(and goes on and on all through lunch)
She is just as obsessed as you are!
Friends: umm...why didn't you get something fun?
Me: like what?
Friends: a phone case or something
Me: (mouth drops wide open) Phones aren't cute and fluffy! Phones don't greet you in the morning! Phones can't be your friend or jump 3 feet high! You can't spoil phones with treats and toys, now can you?!? Huh?
Friend: (walks off disguisted)
(fast-forward to her b-day)
Me: guess what I got you for your b-day Sarah?
Friend: what?
Me: open it and see!
Friend: (opens box and screams) aww! This is adorable! What is it?
Me: a chinchilla
(Fast-forward to her next b-day)
Me:so what do you want for your b-day Sarah?
Friend: chinchilla treats, chews, or maybe a wheel or even a...(and goes on and on all through lunch)
She is just as obsessed as you are!