every time i see a chin holding his arm close to his body, i panic thinking he lost a limb or injured his hand.
I think they caught on and just tease me with it now
I think they caught on and just tease me with it now
16. You examine chinchilla poop every time you get the chance, and freak out a bit when it is slightly softer than normal (did this twice today)
hahahah same here. My chinchilla is my baby so I want everything that reminds me of him. The ONLY thing that I found that is chinchilla related and easy to find is if you search Totoro. Apparently it's a chinchilla cartoon. I searched this iphone holder and got it off ebay along with the headcushion. it really does look like a chinchilla just in cartoon form. http://www.ebay.com/itm/251423774506?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 <-head cushion and iphone 5 cushion http://www.ebay.com/itm/400641291324?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
Lol why is this so true lolThis is just a little funny list that a thought of. Everyone, feel free to reply and add more reasons to the list! All the statements on the list below certainly apply to me as a chin owner! P.S. Moderators, if you think this would be better suited for the chit chat section, please move it, thanks!
You Know You're A Chin Owner When....1. You have a panic attack when the temperature creeps above 70 degrees
2. You have a fierce allegiance to one of the "Big 3" food brands (Mazuri, Oxbow, Tradition)
3. You know exactly what your chinchilla's favorite wood is
4. Receiving chinchilla supplies as a Christmas/Birthday present is 10 times better than getting a new gadget or piece of jewelry
5. You're either team fleece, team shavings, or team Carefresh
6. Your bedroom/closet/basement/etc. has been transformed into a chinchilla supplies storage room (I currently have 34lbs of food, 3lbs of hay, 10 lbs of dust, and 1lb of apple wood all stored in my bedroom closet!)
7. You cringe when you overhear a pet store employee recommending things like Kaytee Fiesta food and plastic toys to a new chin owner
8. You've started referring to plastic hamster balls as "death balls"
9. You have a love/hate relationship with Petsmart/Petco
10. You've had to cancel a "night out on the town" with friends because you have to stay home and "clean the cages."
11. You're always saving up for a new wheel or saucer
12. You know putting together a Critter/Ferret Nation is an absolute NIGHTMARE (especially the Critter Nation)
13. You live in constant fear that one day you're Bass Pans will develop the dreaded irreversible urine smell
14. You often find a stray chinchilla poop in the most random places
15. Finally, you know you're a chin owner when.... you realize YOU ARE ADDICTED TO CHINS-N-HEDGIES :dance3: