Worried about Chin - Not doing well!

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I'm so sorry, Stormy. Thank you for trying to help the lil guy.
I'm very sorry for the loss of this sweet boy, he was a such a fighter!
Rest in peace Walter.
so sorry Walter at least at the end , knew he was loved and cared for properly. I am sure he will remember you and will 'run' to you at the Rainbow Bridge someday in the far future

When you are ready to get another chin, I am sure someone here will gladly help you. since you care so much
I am sooo sorry, Stormy. In a way, I am glad that Walter was loved and cared for before he passed away. He will thank you in heaven.

RIP Walter! :tissue:
Sorry for your loss Stormy, Walter was very loved and had a lot of people cheering for him. He's in a better place now with lots of chinnie friends and he can watch over you every day~
Stormy, I'm sorry to hear this news! You are a very loving and wonderful person to care so much about Walter even in the short time you had him and cared for him. I know he felt loved by you.
So, so sorry to hear Walter didn't make it. Sending my sympathy to you--and you did the best you could for this little guy.
Poor little Walter... I'm so sorry to hear that he's gone.

He had a caring, compassionate caregiver the last few days of his life, and he was extremely lucky to have you.

Smack your friend in the head for him... sorry, willful ignorance cheeses me off...
Sorry for you loss, you tried to help him out as much as you could. It's too bad his owners didn't care for him the way you did.

I'm so sorry! Poor little guy. People like that make me angry, I just don't see how they do it. If any of my animals even show signs that's something's wrong, I get them to the vet.
Regardless, I'm touched to see how much effort you put into caring for Walter. We need more people like you in the world!!
I'm just curious, I don't mean to upset you at all Stormy, but after going threw the posts again on this tread to see if I missed somthing the first time. Do you know exaclty what caused his death. I mean I know his teeth were filed down and you have problems feeding him, but was that the reason he died, because he wouldn't eat because of the pain from the filing and went into stasis. Or was it something else. Again, I don't mean to open up painful wounds, it's just that there is always something new to learn.

Does anyone else have any opinions, as to why this chin died? Could something else have been going on? I know it could be hard to say without actually being the owner, but from everything Stormy said was happening, does anyone have any opinions on why else the Chin could of died friom.

RIP Walter. He was so incredibly lucky to have you in the end. It wouldn't have been nearly as easy to go with the former owner. I hope he is extremelyappreciative of all that you did for his chin. Way to go!
omg I am soooo sorry for your loss. I hate reading these types of threads cause it always seems to end the same but I keep hoping it won't. r.i.p. little guy
stormy, i think you are a wonderful person for doing all that you did and you should find better friends. you are too good of a person to be friends with such a thoughtless careless ignorant idiot! i couldnt immagine not rushing my boys to the vet if i saw them drooling or showing signs of some severe ailment. i cant afford to pay attention, but when it comes to my babies, money means nothing. your friend is lucky that you even give him the time of day. may god bless you and may a stick fall from a tree and hit your friend in the head!