Worried about Chin - Not doing well!

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Please keep us posted with Walter's conditions. When do you have to give him back to your friend? I seriously do not believe that your friend is capable of taking care of a sick chin. It may take a month or two for Walter to recover completely. I think you should hold on to him till he is eating normally. Walter is lucky to have you as his sitter. You are a very caring and responsible person. :thumbsup:
im supposed to give him back today/tonight, but i told him i would hold onto him longer if he didnt think he could take care of him since he'll be working during the day, etc.. hopefully he'll let me keep him longer, i feel bad for the poor guy.
I would INSIST on keeping him longer - especially if you are able to take care of him during the day. He'll need critical care every few hours to help him recover.
i picked him up. the vet gave him subcu fluids and gave me 4 syringes to inject in him 1 syring 2x day. along with some other meds, he didn't think he had bloat though, just dehydrated and his stomach empty. im gonna continue nursing him as long as he'll let me.
If his stomach is empty he can easily go into gut stasis. So did you get more critical care to feed him? And perhaps ask the vet to show you a good way to feed him since it seems like he isn't getting much when you feed him?
i fed him some CC earlier - i picked up 2 more bags, and he even ate off a spoon a little, and went at the syringe for a few minutes. he is pretty much just lying around, but will occassionally start hopping around on the floor. I tried feeding him some more CC after giving him some more subcu fluids, renegal (sp?) injection, and he wouldn't really eat more than a bite - i'd force it in him, but he wouldn't swallow/chew it, it'd just drool out. We're hoping the fluids and medications will kick in and help him soon. My mom also did some healing reiki on him. I put a heated cushion in his cage, because he seemed really cold. It's in one corner, so I figured if he was cold, he could move to it if he wanted. He seemed to want to stay near it. He's also getting infant gas drops - it begins with an 'S' but I can't remember the name off the top of my head. We picked them up at the pharmacy and gave him one drop. The vet for some reason didn't give him any pain meds, but he is on an antibiotic - smz tmp pediatric suspension, which was prescribed by the original vet he saw.
I'm still really worried about him though, he's not doing too great. He just lays his head down on the floor with his eyes half open. There's nothing else that I can really do though, as far as I can see. Fluids, motility meds, antibiotics, gas meds (in case of bloat/GI issues), critical care 5-6+ times a day. Is there anything I can/should do? Thanks again for everyones advice. It's really helped me a lot.

i spoke with my friend today after he got home from his flight. i told him after I picked him up from the vet he could come over and see him, he said he would and might take him home, even though i insisted that i should keep him longer - im hoping now that he needs the needle injections (2) 2x a day, that he'll think about it a little harder and agree that I will most definitely take better care of Walter than he ever could. Of course, I went to call him when I got home and he didn't answer his cell or texts that I sent him. I don't know, but if it were me and my animal was sick, I wouldn't even wait for a call, I'd be over there knocking the door down. I really wish he would just say he can't hand the responsibility and just let me keep him, I feel so bad for the poor little guy. I just hope he makes it through this.
Just be honest with your friend about how much work it is going to take to keep Walter alive. Hopefully he will get intimidated and let you take care of Walter for a bit longer. Obviously he does not really care about his pet. :impatient:

I think Walter might still be in pain. That's why he is not chewing or swallowing. Ask for some pain medication from the vet. And also I would recommend to make CC thicker so that it will stay in his mouth.

I agree that I think he's in pain. He needs the pain meds or else he's not going to feel like doing anything. I can't imagine having your teeth trimmed feels very good. That and to have his gut all out of whack just is going to be uncomfortable for him.
An exotics vet, who treats chins, doesn't carry critical care? Interesting.

I'm sure there are vets in your area that do carry it. It seems to be everywhere now.

We have one of those here. Riverside Animal Hospital is well known for being a fantastic exotic vet, yet they don't carry CC. Just like my vet carries CC yet they don't carry feeding syringes...
Stormy I just wanted to say I think Walter is lucky to have you caring for him now. Even if things to work out for Walter, he has been so loved and cared for by you these past few days. I know you feel sad and a bit powerless right now, but you are a good person to care for an animal that isn't even your own. Blessings to you!
This little guy is on a lot of people's minds Stormy! Kingston and I wish him the best and hope he gets better <3 Good luck!
Yah, i'm gonna ditto hayley comment. Sounds like you are doing a "Terrific" job at caregiving for this little guy. Keep up the good work. I had a chin that i had to nurse back to normal health. I gave dilluted chamomile tea (1 c. water to 1 tea bag-steep 2 minutes) in an eye dropper (use glass-so they don't chew it). This will get him drinking water-which is important. I also used popsicle sticks to feed the cc with; and mixed it with a couple drops of unsweeted apple juice. (he began to like the cc with the apple). Also, he should have acidophilus. That comes in capsule or wafer form from health food store. Your doing the gas drops and thats good. Your really doing alot for little Walter==and he really "loves" you for it! Hopefully he'll stay in your care till he's well.
He sounds like he's been on the edge--so prayers are with you!
thanks guys. for all your help, i really appreciate it. i dont know where i'd be without you. He is so lethargic right now, barely moving, barely lifting his head, his eyes are nearly closed, and when i syringe him food, he won't swallow or chew it. i got him to take a little bit of it though, and we injected 20cc of subcu fluids into him this morning as well. i just hope he gets better. :(
Stormy, I'll just be blunt. He's not going to get better. When he reaches the stage where he is now, he is on his way out. You can do one of two things at this point. If he seems to be resting comfortably, then hold him and comfort him as he goes. He may make squeaking noises at the end, but it is not pain, it is just him letting go. Your other choice is to speed the process up by putting him to sleep.

Tell him you love him and you're sorry that he had such a miserable, ignorant former owner, but that it's time for him to cross the bridge and let go. You both fought a good fight, but now it's time to relieve his pain.

I'm very sorry.
i just wanted to thank everyone again for their support. Walter passed away this morning, shortly after giving him his fluids & meds. Poor little guy, I felt so bad for him, at least this way he isn't suffering anymore.
I'm so sorry to read that he passed. I'm sorry you had to go through that for someone else's chin. But feel good that you did the right thing by taking him to the vet and trying to help him out.
so sorry. you did everything you could have done.
i must say with your good sense & your obvious love i see a future chin owner in you!
RIP Walter :(
thanks everyone. i tried my best, but it was too late. if my friend had taken him to the vet a month ago when the drooling/teeth issues started, he probably would have been fine.

so sorry. you did everything you could have done.
i must say with your good sense & your obvious love i see a future chin owner in you!
RIP Walter :(

lol. i would love to get a chin of my very own, but my parents won't let me get any more animals as of now - i just rescued a three legged guinea pig and got 12 chickens. hopefully someday I'll get a chin of my own though. :)