My husband and I couldn't give her the injectable Reglan tonight so we gave her the oral. She kept squirming every time the needle went in even though I thought I had her in a good hold. She really didn't like it. Her respiratory stuff is bad. Wheezing, hacking, breathing hard, and her fur was soaked beneath her nose as well as under her mouth. She keeps pawing at her nose.
I have 4 choices. I can get the injectable baytril and start giving it to her. I can humanely euthanize her now. Or I can not do either until she stops moving around and taking dust baths/when there is no quality of life left and then euthanize her. Or i can just keep syringe feeding her until she completely resists and its too hard to get any in her and let her die. I'm having a hard time making these decisions.

With the enlarged heart, and what I'm thinking is an upper respiratory infection, possible diabetes, teeth that were filled down and grew back in a month at an angle, and lots of gas in her tummy, If I were her, would I want to be poked and forced to do everything I'm doing? If she has a good chance of surviving I will do everything I can. If she most likely will die even with injectable baytril and forced to do things she doesn't want to do then maybe I shouldn't put her through that.
She still runs around, but only if I need to pick her up as she is running from me. She is mostly wanting to hide in her house. She still likes to go in her dust bath and she still loves her acidophilus.
I know the decisions is up to me, but I would like anyone's thoughts if possible. Maybe I could video tape her and post it here. I will try and put up the X-ray photos tonight as well.