what is the best food

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Apr 27, 2011
Hi, I have 2 hedgehogs and they are on spikes delite, and fruits and veggies and some mealworms. Just wondering what the best diet is or what some others feed. Thanks!
The best food? That's going to be tricky to answer. General consensus is that there is no one best food, but rather a mix of high quality cat kibbles. You'll want to look for good/healthy ingredients and watch out for too high protein (hard on the kidneys) and too much fat.

A lot of us end up feeding a few different types of kibbles. Some that my hedgies have been on are: Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul - light; Wellness - either healthy weight or indoor cat; Felidae - platinum; Solid Gold Katz-n-Flocken; Natural Balance - green pea & duck; and several others.

I usually aim for a mix of about 3 different types at any one time. That way, if hedgie decides she no longer likes it, then there are still two that she accepts. Similarly, if there's a recall or the company changes the food's formulation, there's plenty of back-up. The kids have also had Spike's Delite - it's one of Satin's favorites, but she plumps up a bit too much on it, so it's not in the current mix. There was also some problems with it recently - some sharp pieces were showing up in the kibbles :( I don't know if that's been resolved yet.

The other reason to feed a blend is that no one's perfected food for hedgies yet. Not even the "hedgehog food" companies. So, by feeding more than one kibble, you can cover more of the bases - eg, where one kibble might be lacking something hedgie needs, another brand might have it in abundance.
Thank you so much this is very helpful! I will have to look into diet more. Thanks again!