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lil debut

((still unable to attach, missing security something or other))
So here's the standard and black velvet pretty much finished, they're tails are drying, but they're all painted up. The violet wrap in progress is in the middle, he actually chipped because I dropped my camera on him :[ so I have to fix that. And yes....that is the salt shaker prototype being worked on in the background if you see the tiny clay chin.





In the second picture, its like my black velvet is saying, "I wanna come home" hehe :D

haha yes he wants a big hug from his new owner and to sit and compete in cuteness with his "twin". No worries, we're almost to that point :D

((has anyone read the "Adventures of Frank" thread? I wanted to make a Frank chin with like lil stitches like a statue that looks like a ragdoll, is that too morbid?))
I totally want one that looks like the sad little standard but maybe as a black velvet or a beige ;)

salt shakers I'd want in black velvet and maybe a white ebony. I'll send you pictures of two of my chins I have in mind for the coloring.:thumbsup:
kk Ranch just PM me :] I'll make your salt shaker dreams come true

Bad day today, we'll just put it at the salt shakers and the black velvet for 3chins are the only survivors.

I used a new kind of clay for the 7 jars I made over the weekend and today when I went to paint them, well, they basically just fell apart. I was really confused because they had all been fine, like they were all very sturdy last night, and the standard was fine and painted, just today they just crumbled to the touch.

The black velvet and the test jar are a different type of clay, and the salt shakers are made with the new clay but seem fine, we'll see how they do.

So, unless you're 3chin, I'm sorry but I'll have to wait until I get some more clay before I can do your orders :[
Oh, Haley, I'm sorry to hear about all the hard work you put into those jars, they looked so good too. Mine's a survivor, lol.
PM me whenever you're ready to give him up :D