What can I use for a litter pan?

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Active member
Aug 28, 2011
Rochester NY
Just for pee. I'm not expecting my chin to use it to poop though.. But I don't know exactly what to use. What do you guys use? What do you reccommend?
yeah, you can get a glass pyrex baking casserole dish for a couple of bucks st a thrift store, they are like $15-20 new. A metal one wil just rust so don't get that.
I got one of the ferret or bunny plastic litter pans at the pet store with high side walls. The pyrex glasses can work but my chins tend to dig in it (and sometimes roll around, thinking it's their dust bath?) and end up kicking the litter everywhere out of the cage. Luckily my chins don't chew the litter box at all.