Vaginal discharge - eww.

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
I don't think this is a cause for concern, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

My fat female (no name yet) has really come around and I noticed her "cleaning" her lady area quite a bit this evening. I caught her and let her have some playtime in the bathroom (and a bath) and I noticed that she has this clear, sticky substance coming out of... somewhere.

I held her by the tail (IT'S LIKE A HANDLE JUST FOR ME TO CATCH HER WITH!) and dangled her and her lady area was very, very damp! Her ham wallet was open and such, which I know is usually closed, so I'm assuming that she's in heat? I read around and it looks like this is normal, but there was a LOT of this stuff and it freaked me out.

She's not lethargic or anything, she's leaping around and bruxing. She does bark/call when I try to pick her up, but she doesn't bite or spray.
Some females will give off more discharge than others. As long as she is normal otherwise I wouldn't worry a ton about it. Are you positive she was not housed with or near a male?

That comment would be hilarious coming from anyone, but coming from a gay male just made it that much better. Thank you for the high point to my day.

Agreed. Glad I read that first thing this morning. It has got to be a good day now! I WILL definitely be finding a way to work this term into conversation today. Thanks, Ash.
It was so amazing that I had to call my husband and tell him about it (it was 4am by the way).

Ok, ok. Enough about the ham wallet (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and back to answering your question. Like Tab said, as long as it is clear, not smelly, it is probably just that she is in heat.
Heh, ham wallet is one of my favorite slang terms for that area. I hate the term "vagina", or even "penis", it sounds so... foreign and gross.

But anyway, I'm glad you guys liked it.

Tab, actually she was housed in a room with like four other males. They weren't together, they were all individually caged, but the cages were stacked on top of each other and about a foot apart. I didn't even think about that.

Thank you!
ham wallet was open and such...


That comment would be hilarious coming from anyone, but coming from a gay male just made it that much better. Thank you for the high point to my day.

OMG....I was reading and scrolling and had to do a double take.

Thank you for making me smile this morning Ash!!

:hilarious: :thumbsup:
I guess I was the only one that went ewww to that term LMAO...
Tab, actually she was housed in a room with like four other males. They weren't together, they were all individually caged, but the cages were stacked on top of each other and about a foot apart. I didn't even think about that.

Can't believe ya'll are stuck on "ham wallet" :neener:

Ash, I would keep an eye on her then. Since the cages were about a foot apart there's not a high possibility she is pregnant but you never know what people do with their chins. Sometimes the male's sperm is sticky and clear...she COULD have been bred. You don't have to do anything different if she does end up pregnant...I'd just mark 111 days from when you got her and hope the previous owner was responsible enough to keep the males and females separate. And yes, I've actually seen the clear sperm because I didn't know what was in my female's "ham wallet" and pulled the mating plug a nice amount of chinnie sperm all over the place.:vomit: Needless to say...haven't touched a mating plug since then, lol.
Thanks fro being on topic, Tab. :D In any case...that is really gross. And I HOPE that she isn't pregnant. Although if she is, there's a grocery store near my house that sells fresh (as in non-canned) goat's milk in case something terrible happens.

I really hope she's not preggers, I'd have no clue how to deal with that. Ah well. Thanks for the info though, I'll mark my calendar. If she does have buns in her oven, they would pop out by August 19th.
Im not really seeing the relation of this term "ham wallet" though i think it looks more like a clam??? (chinnie junk anyway)

I've only ever seen a little bit come out of my female, but i would watch the amount of discharge, smell and color.
I know nothing about leaky lady bits so I have nothing to add except...

I prefer "sausage wallet".
Lord have mercy -- I think that that is one of the funniest things I have EVER heard!!! :rotflMYhamwalletoff!!!:

Ash, I LOVE you!!!
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Heh, ham wallet is one of my favorite slang terms for that area. I hate the term "vagina", or even "penis", it sounds so... foreign and gross.

So Ash, my boy chins have 2 round thingies and one uh...I forget, what're they called??
P.S. I prefer the term hot dog bun
You folks do remember that there are 14-year-old members on this forum, right? What was said once as a joke was fine, and I left it as such. It needs to stop now - as in now.