UPDATE: Little Jimmy the crippled baby

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I know it hasn't been long since you separated, but with him on his own apart from Mom, are there any new signs of chewing or being shocky?

Good luck Monday, Jimmy!
Thanks everyone! I will keep everyone updated on how he does with the surgery.

I know it hasn't been long since you separated, but with him on his own apart from Mom, are there any new signs of chewing or being shocky?

Because he can't get his little butt in the corner he cannot chew his legs. He is still being shocky at times. The vet isn't sure that he can feel anything in his legs, he says that's usually the reason for the chewing. I think in Jimmy's case they are chewing them away because it's causing him pain. We will see what he says when he sees him on Monday.
Oh, My God, that video of him peeping at you is adorable!!! :hearts: I wish that I could be there with you to help nurse and feed him, he's so dear.

Would amputating at the knees mean only the long part of the foot will be removed??? If so, that will leave him with 2 little nubbins, kind of like little pirate peg legs. Little Two Paws has a nubbin, but it is never un-irritated. It is pink like brand new skin and very easily irritated, he sometimes has a little scab on it.

Why did the vet think that amputating at the hips would not be a good idea??? He could still drag himself around with his front paws. I'm just being nosy -- I have no vet experience, just wondering why they think that peg legs/nubbins would be better.

We'll be praying for Little Jimmy and hoping he can get in and be pain free ASAP!!!
Would amputating at the knees mean only the long part of the foot will be removed??? If so, that will leave him with 2 little nubbins, kind of like little pirate peg legs. Little Two Paws has a nubbin, but it is never un-irritated. It is pink like brand new skin and very easily irritated, he sometimes has a little scab on it.

Why did the vet think that amputating at the hips would not be a good idea??? He could still drag himself around with his front paws. I'm just being nosy -- I have no vet experience, just wondering why they think that peg legs/nubbins would be better.

Amputating at the knee would be right where the leg bends. So he'll have nubbins on both sides but they will probably be barely visible. The parts giving him the major problems are from the knee down. The vet does not want to amputate higher because he is worried about quality of life. With no legs you risk sores and other chronic problems from him dragging his lower body around. Right now he already has a sore on his bottom, but if he is on fleece liners that are changed daily to every other day, he does not get sores. We talked and bartered back and forth for a good thirty minutes on what we should do and decided he just needs to see him first to figure out the best plan of action, but for now we are planning on taking them off at the knees and if he needs further amputation later in life, we'll worry about it then. We're hoping taking them off at the knee will keep it far enough back that he won't be able to chew the nubbins, yet far enough forward to help ease pressure off the rest of his lower body for sores.

I made him a new fleece liner tonight because I don't have any made for the cat carrier he is in and I felt he needed more manly colors. I know I'm overloading this thread with pictures but he's just too cute to NOT take pictures of. I call him my little gopher because he likes to scrunch into a little ball and make his face/head look like a gopher! :hearts:

"Now that I'm clean I want hay!!!"

"Nom nom nom!"

"What's that?"

"You want to feed me more nom noms???"
I'm excited! I just weighed Jimmy! The hand feedings are doing him good...he weighed 81g just before feeding!!:dance3:
yay jimmy! this one is a fighter! and he has lot of chin friends crossing their paws.
i wish you both the best of luck at the vet. i think it is awesome that you are going to such lengths to make ensure his heath. you rock tab. ;)
so if he survives through all of this are you going to keep him with you or adopt him out?? i cant see you possibly getting rid of him after all of this work, you have to be so attached to that little cutie pie! lol
:hug4: Hugs for Jimmy, I'm wishing for the best for you both also. Maybe I will see you on Monday since I have an appt myself. Take care, let me know if there is anything I can do for you.