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Steve, I am curious how this guy is contacting your friends and girlfriend. His IP is static and routes to Mass. USA (hence the retard comments about Harvard). Your written English is phenomenal, even for Belgium. I have friends in Sweden that have been studying English for 15 yrs, their sentences still show signs of translation errors. Do tell...

Let me lighten things up for you :dance3:

2 of my mates (Chinchillafied them teehee) saw this bloke his comments and told him to stop. Now that person threw some swearing which ain't that bad.

Now we had a rant about it at school with my gf, now she went to look and commented how emotionless a person could be.
The guy kept sending messages and links to even more torture vids.
Now I couldn't let that happen could I?

Well ... that's about the story I quess

Thanks guys :thumbsup:
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I never saw the videos, and I'm glad I didn't. Can anyone give me an idea of what he did?
You don't want to know. He also posted his psycho comments on torturing chins on "Is It A Good Idea to Microwave This" videos so chinnie owners weren't the only people he's pissed off. I think Jory Caron who owns those microwave videos left a profanity-laden tirade on his page saying he filed a complaint with YouTube, maybe it was him that got the "anilwarrier11" accounts closed. Also I couldn't get over the racist comments.
OMG. I seeen theses wheen i was looking up people with chinchilla !
and he had post every where. I couldnt belive how dam* Heartless they are!!
Those poor babies. I mean yes no matter what the fur trade wont go no where. but why abuse them. they need to find more ethical way if they must keep it up. Ill never in my life own furr. my only mastake one time . i bought a doir back with fur. i felt horriable. But they need to put them asleep not abuse them like they brag about. Poor babies wont know what being loved is. =( (i dont suport any fur trades) just they end all in my book.
Correct me if I am wrong but is this not a pelt-neutral forum? Its official rule #1! As far as the PETA video goes, I suggest that you get your facts before pointing a finger at the rancher who the video was attacking!
The chinchilla industry started with pelting not for pets, if it were not for our pelting ranchers you would not have your beloved pets. Most ranchers take better care and have better knowledge of these animals than you could ever hope to as a pet owner.

I will now get off my soap box.