Sudden death

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You Have No Idea!
Jan 29, 2009
Central Texas
I just lost Atmosphere... I have nooooo idea what happened. He was just fine yesterday. He was at the bottom of the cage today... He was still active, but I knew something was wrong. I got him out to examine him and he was barking and moving around... from the time I got him out to the time he died was maybe 5 minutes! I've never had one do this so quickly. His lips actually looked blue to me too... which I've never seen before. Any ideas? Im at a loss... totally... he has lost some weight, but nothing like the amounts I've seen before... I mean even Mon he was completely normal acting!! I'm taking him in for a necro... do you have any ideas???
i am so sorry to hear about you loss. not sure how hold he was but maybe he choked on something? hopefully the necropsy will give you answers.
He would have been 6 years old this Sept. Choking was my first thought too because this seems to have happened out of no where! I've never had a chin choke so I don't know what it would have looked like. I would have assumed he'd be pawing at his mouth, but he wasn't. When he was at the bottom of the cage he just looked "off" but soon after I took him out he was gasping. I didn't hear any fluid in his lungs, I didn't feel anything odd... I just dunno! I hate it when they give us nothing... nothing to go by to help them!
I would think that blue lips would determine lack of oxygen - my wife mentioned arsenic does that too!?!?!?
Any chance he got into something??
Sorry for your loss - - -
Yeah I figured the blue was lack of oxygen... but I cant figure out why... he couldn't have gotten into anything... hasn't been out of his cage... and the little ones havent been here so they didn't put anything in it either.
Did you feel his neck to see if something was lodged? Usually you can feel it if it's large enough to block off air supply. Let us know what the necropsy pinpoints.

I'm sorry for the loss of your little one.
I didn't feel anything abnormal. Once he passed I tried to look in his mouth, but it actually seemed swollen... I didn't want to open it too much bc I was afraid Id break it.
I am sorry for your loss.

It is possible he had a heart condition - if the problem was mechanical (i.e. the way the heart was working at the time) then it may not show on necropsy.
The blue lips indicate lack of oxygen & that can be due to a number of issues, including choke (they do not always paw at the mouth) or respiratory distress etc.
Frustratingly, necropsies are not always conclusive.

Once again, I am very sorry for your loss & I do hope the necropsy gives you some answers.
I am sorry for your loss. I hope you can get some answers from the necropsy. Hugs.