Sudden death

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They did the necro this morning and called me right after. She said the min she opened him up she knew the cause. He had a diaphramatic (sp) hernia. She said there was a hole in his diaphram that covered about 50%. She said that some animals are born with it, but with his age I would have seen signs of this. Because of it happening so quickly she said she thinks he likely jumped in the cage, slipped, and hit his diaphram just right spot. She said there was nothing I could do or anything a vet could do had I been able to get him to a vet in time. It eases my mind knowing that I couldn't do anything to prevent or save him, but it hurts to know that this perfectly beautiful, healthy animal had to die for 'technically no reason'... a horrible act of chance.
I am sorry. I would think there was some comfort in knowing what the cause was and know that you did not in any way cause his death. I know how sad you must feel though. Hugs.
I'm sooooo sorry Amanda. =(
May the little thing rest in peace knowing that he was so loved.
im so sorry for your loss.

may he rest in peace and may your heart heal. *hugs*
Thanks for sharing your story, as hard as it was. Maybe it can help someone in the future. Sounds like you have a great vet though. Give your other babies lots of love tonight.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I paid a little extra to have his body taken to this large farm where the guy burries all the animals that my vet clinic has to dispose of... so at least I know he wasn't just tossed in the trash... I always hated the thought of that... I've had a couple of my chins cremated in the past, but sadly I just can't afford to do it for all of them... I feel so bad for his mate... I have another violet wrap that I will eventually try to pair with her, but for now I will let her be... I think she is probably preggo too, so I've got to let it ride out.
At least you've a reason for the loss - I had one go, and even a necropsy didn't show a thing!