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Ps...Amythysts safe list is really good, apple stick, burdock root and bamboo (young stems and wood) are also good, I personally though, wouldnt give dandelion's full of soluble oxalate, but that's personal choice. And as I mentioned before...all in moderation, approx 1 teaspoon once or twice a week, if you give a goji berry (high oxalate) one day, next treat day give something like camomile flower (low in oxalate) the next treat day 😊
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Dandelions are on the “safe treat” page posted by Amethyst. Is there anything else on the list you disagree with, or do you have a safe treat list of your own?
Is there any treat that can be given daily?
You're very welcome sweetie, It's all in moderation, it's more of a case that forarmed is forwarned, a little bit of dandelion now and again won't cause too much issues, I'd only absolutely avoid the dandelion's almost pure oxalate. Amythysts treat list is really good, I also give my herd bamboo (young stems and wood), and burdock root. I aternate between treats...high oxalate's maybe once a month and low oxalate more often. Apple sticks can be given daily, as can raspberry leaves..but just one leaf 😊
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Ps...Amythysts safe list is really good, apple stick, burdock root and bamboo (young stems and wood) are also good, I personally though, wouldnt give dandelion's full of soluble oxalate, but that's personal choice. And as I mentioned before...all in moderation, approx 1 teaspoon once or twice a week, if you give a goji berry (high oxalate) one day, next treat day give something like camomile flower (low in oxalate) the next treat day 😊
That list is from a FB group I'm in, there is another list for safe wood, so things like apple sticks are on that list. ;)