Dawnna's Keeper
just disgusting. do not breed rescues. it is a huge sisaterous mess. if you must breed get good quality stock from Good breeders.
I have pedigrees on all these chins, and their health and fur quality are of normal above normal value.
For a first post, this has not given me any answers, in fact all it's done is piss me off, and make me look like an idiot. So, I'm out. I don't need the drama from people who stand high on their balconies and claim to know everything.
I'm sorry I don't have all the answers.Great! The first step is admitting you don't know everything - now get some thicker skin and stick around to LEARN something like you did in this first post ---your breeding practices need improvement. Like Peggy said, go to a show. Take your animals. See how they do. Then go from there. I would hate to see your chins suffer because your pride got wounded...
in fact all it's done is piss me off, and make me look like an idiot
Funny how this all happened from a simple harmless question. I'm sorry you all think my chins are doomed, I'm sorry I posted in the first place, I'm sorry I don't have all the answers. For a first post, this has not given me any answers, in fact all it's done is piss me off, and make me look like an idiot. So, I'm out. I don't need the drama from people who stand high on their balconies and claim to know everything.
I was thinned skinned when I joined CnQ. There was a lady on there who toughened me up on there. Don't have to like people here but do take there advice.
And for futher refrence, the ONLY rescues I have taken in, GUS, and HAZE have been together for 6 years, and I don't think it was smart to seperate them, as they do so well together. I'm sorry they've had babies, but that is NOT within my control. Do I know they're backgrounds, no. But I'm certainly not breeding them with my base herd, I'm just going to find good homes for the kits. Hope that helps too.