He sound like such a sweet chin. It's terrible how they fall into the hands of clueless people and become neglected. Poor little guy! He's really cute and ver luckt that you found him.
I've also picked up chins at mom and pop stores - I'll wheel and deal with them though. Never paid more than $50, you've just got to be willing to walk away. A lot of times the chins have been there a few years and they don't want them any more.
Somehow this picture of you, in black, with a large automatic weapon popped into my head. Wonder where that came from?They tend to kick me out when I ask questions...go figure.
I'm on your way back to Houma, if you want to stop by I can take a look at her for you. I'm about 10 minutes off of I-10.
I've also picked up chins at mom and pop stores - I'll wheel and deal with them though. Never paid more than $50, you've just got to be willing to walk away. A lot of times the chins have been there a few years and they don't want them any more.
I do tend to be very vocal trying to get my points across and the last time I literally had the lady walk away from me b/c I was stressing her out. Didn't stop me from finishing what I wanted to say though, heh.