Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

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Active member
Jan 20, 2012
I just got myself a new Chinchilla, who I absolutely love. However, the guy is really scared of me. He hides in the corner when I come downstairs and won't move a muscle. I know this is normal at first and they start to warm up to you, but he isn't drinking any of his water (I use a glass bottle). He's eating and pooping just fine, this is my only concern. Is this normal at first?
It can be normal, yes. A couple things to check - is the bottle actually working? If you got him from a breeder, is it the same type of nozzle as he's used to? If you got him from a pet store, can you check there to see if it's the same?

While type of water "usually" wouldn't make a difference, some chins can be super picky. What type of water do you use?

Have you marked the water bottle to be SURE he's not drinking? Chins don't drink a lot, so he may be drinking less than you would be expecting.

If all things are normal and what he's used to, then you can try opening a raisin and rubbing it all over the tip of the nozzle. Oftentimes the sweet taste will get them to drink.
Give him a few days to get used to his new home, then start spending time by his cage watching tv, homework or whatever. Talk to him for a few days, then start putting your hands in his cage, he will eventually come up and sniff your hands then hopefully soon he will jump in your hands. Lift up a finger and try giving him a scritchy. This could take a month or more, but it'll be worth it.
Ill keep a close eye on him. To answer your questions, the bottle is the same. He was bought from a breeder and the breeder used tap water like we are using. I'm sure the water hasn't moved since, but he is eating fine. I'm pretty sure the guy gets really active at night, cause pellets are all over his shelves. Should I take him out and play with him and give him a dust bath?
Okay, thank you. I'm going to give him another night with the water then try bottled water. If that doesnt work I'll be calling the breeder.
No, was he using a bowl before? Bowls get tipped over and/or they get their fur soaked. Chins fur is so thick they don't dry well and the chin will get fungus or possible URI
Tap water can give them diseases like giardia. I would switch to bottled water right away.

bottled water is often just tap water with a fancy name on the bottle, lol.

what you want is the PUR 3 filter, either tap-mount or jug style (from what i've seen it is more commonly found in the tap mount style). this filter will filter out giardia. the older style Brita filters will not handle giardia, but i have heard that the new one does. always check the packaging of the water filter to ensure it handles the filtering out of giardia!
All the suggestions were great, but it seems like my chinchilla was just a picky one. I switched to bottled water and he drinks normally now.
I've had mine for 4 days....

I've had my first chinchilla Jinx for 4 days. On the 1st day, he put his paws on my arm and ate from my hand. On the 2nd day he jumped voluntarily into my palm, and later that day he climbed into and out of his cage (and jumped all over me). The 3rd day he did the same, but with my sister and I in the room together, and he stood still and let us both stroke his fur gently. But, I can swear that he hasn't drank a drop from his water. The level hasn't changed. I use tap water, and I bought him from PetSmart, so I don't know what type of water they used. He doesn't seem dehydrated, but how could you tell?