RDZC Z11...etc.

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Feb 4, 2009
Z11, Z12, Z13 AND Z14 were born to Artemis today! Surprise! Four babies! I woke up at 5:30am and went to check on her and there was a little black tail and butt under her! I then got to watch as the next two babies were born. I watched her for a bit more and she passed the afterbirth and ate it so I assumed she was done…WRONG! I woke up a few hours later…again…to find a little standard male. Unfortunately his back legs are deformed. =( I’m not sure if he will make it…he’s a strong little guy but his legs fold in underneath him and seem to cause a bit of pain. Keep your fingers crossed for this little guy! I’m calling him Half-baked

Z11-medium ebony female, 46g
Z12-pink white/tan white(?) male, 45g
Z13-light tan male, 46g
Z14-standard male, 34g





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Congrats on the new babies! Lots of good vibes to the last baby!
YAY! Congrats. I'm so happy Artemis is healthy. Her babies are so cute. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for little half-baked. If the little ebony girl goes missing I didn't steal her. :angel4: Happy mother's day to the new mommy.
Happy Mother's Day Artemis... lots of healing vibes to little half baked!
Well it is about time! And a fabulous Mother's Day present! Good thoughts for the last little guy!
Congrats Tabitha and Artemis! :D
Thanks everyone! I am overly calm and relaxed at the moment. That was just way too much stress yesterday! I'm glad I decided not to take her to an E-vet. I checked her vaginal opening last night with the aid of a Q-tip and saw that she was VERY dilated. The opening needed to widen a bit more but she could easily pass a kit, so I knew she just wasn't ready.

wow congrats! I knew there had to be at least four in there! I hope the little guy makes it.

I did too! I was shocked when only three came out and then the afterbirth. It could have been a double litter or something like that but I was telling people that if she didn't have four I'd be REALLY surprised.
wow! She really was waiting for Mother's Day! Congrats - at long last - on 4 beautiful kits! I will be pulling for "Half-Baked" to thrive as well! :)
omg im so excited! i JUST woke up and was like "Artemis! I must see if anything has happened..." and quickly signed on.

Tabs, im so happy for the both of you! Congrats!!!! and such a good mothers day...to you both!

i'll be praying for Half-Baked. perhaps he was the reason she wasnt ready to have them yet, she knew he still needed to cook. but he's in good hands with you, just love on him :)
Finally! :dance3: Oh my goodness, that was such a long wait but what a great ending to be born on Mother's Day. Sending good thoughts to little Half-Baked. Hope Artemis (and you!) are able to get some rest today!
great news !! - The little half-baked could survive. I have had a couple like that and not only did they survive but the legs straigthen out. I do have to say, that also thru the years I have had a couple that didn't survive but there is hope.
Thanks everyone! And yeah Luci...she was KILLING me these past few days! I'm really overly happy that the babies are here and all healthy and good weights!

great news !! - The little half-baked could survive. I have had a couple like that and not only did they survive but the legs straigthen out. I do have to say, that also thru the years I have had a couple that didn't survive but there is hope.

I knew I remembered hearing stories like that before. He is a really strong little guy and determined to nurse. He's even attempted fighting the other boys off mom's nipples and ends up on his back kacking at the world, lol. He gets around really well though and has already figured out how to make his butt pop into the air behind him so he can move better. The other boys were fighting over nipples earlier but things seem to have settled down. Artemis is a really good mother and loves her babies so I don't think any of these babies are going to need to be fostered.
Good luck to little Half Baked! Sorry you didn't get the pink white girl you wanted, but the little guy it just as cute as a girl would have been. :)

Since the last one is already named after a Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and they're so sweet you kinda want to eat them with a spoon, you could keep the theme going with the other three. Mission to Marzipan or Peanut Brittle for the Tan guy, Cinnamon Bun or Cherry Garcia for the Pink/Tan white, etc.
I let my mom name them since she is up here this weekend and it IS mother's day, lol. The eb girl is named after my sister, so her name is Rissa. She's got an attitude to big for her little body and none of the other babies will even THINK of pushing her off a nipple, lol. She's also the firstborn so for some reason it just fit perfectly with my sister. The pink white boy is now named Jackson after Alan Jackson, the tan is Buffett and the standard boy is Jimmy(after southpark's Jimmy). We were drinking margaritas last night...don't blame me for the names, rofl!
Would it help to do some range of motion exercises on half baked? Take his limbs and gently move them the way they should be, a few sets a few times a day?