Psst...time to come out already!

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nope, nothing. She's lost a little more weight so we're going to get some xrays and see how everything looks in there and maybe boost her with some fluids.
Sometimes they drop a bit of weight right before giving birth. I would personally aviod taking her to get xrays it may be more stress then she needs. They will come in their own time.
They did an ultrasound and there are no heartbeats - without the heartbeats she will not deliver and we have to do a c-section on her. This is some of the worst news I could have imagined...
Well we have an appointment scheduled with one exotics vet for tomorrow afternoon - they want to examine her for themselves before they'll do the surgery, hoping we can reach our main chinny surgeon tomorrow am and get her in sooner.

4 years until I don't have to put up with vets telling me i don't know my own animals :banghead: I must have had 4 of them tell me "well maybe she's not full term since you don't know the exact date she was bred" Bunch of bull - even an ignoramous could tell she is full term, and even if she wasn't entirely full term there should still be heartbeats!!! :hair:

Thankfully the vet that did the ultrasound cut us a huge deal. She also said there was no blood being supplied to the fetuses - but there was no gas so she most likely hasn't turned septic yet.
Baby is en route to our chinny surgeon right now - this is really good news as she is the only vet to have done a successful c-section for us! She also did a leg amputation on a 4 week old kit - she knows her stuff and I am temporarily quite relieved!
So the vet did another ultrasound for herself and found a very faint heartbeat. They did the c-section and there were two dead kits and one that is barely hanging on. Hopefully she'll make it as she was quite distressed in the uterus. Baby is recovering - the telltale will be if she makes it through the night.
Oh dear, I hope Baby feels better quickly, and the wee one survives. Our sympathies for the two who didn't make it.
I'm so sorry about the two wee ones lost, and am praying for mom and the one who has so far survived. Please, keep us posted on their progress.
Mom is bringing Baby and her little boy home. Little boy is very weak and can hardly lift his head. The vet doesn't have much confidence for Baby dropping any milk so she'll be handfeeding him. Hopefully our other super pregnant female delivers soon and we can foster him.