Well-known member
Should you be breeding chinchillas at all? You don't have the money for emergencies at all it seems
Did he post that link here?
Should you be breeding chinchillas at all? You don't have the money for emergencies at all it seems
Did he post that link here?
If not I don't think it is very fair to post it here, seems to me to be a violation of privacy.
my advice is simple, do not put anything, written or pictures, on the internet you wouldn't want your parents or your kids to see..........I am just saying, if it were me, I would feel violated.
Why is anyone here searching for personal information on any forum member new or old?
I"d check with a mod here, some forums frown on posting links like that.
However yes I know, anything on the internet is public domain..... but some forums play it 'better safe then sorry'
Ok that is weird that you would look that stuff up. But its whatever i know every one can find everything online. With that said i feel like you should have better things to do with your time than try and look up information on someone else. Im not adopting an animal from you,i im not trying to work for you so there is no need to look that up unless your trying to personally attack me.
also I made that site to help pay for college, and it was made OVER A YEAR AGO. Just because i couldn't afford 50,000 for school a year ago doesn't mean i cant afford a chin a year later.
I dont know how this went from me asking about a chin to getting into my personal life, I didnt know that this is what this site was about.
I found it quite odd too. Why does anyone here need to be digging up info on any member here? And then go and post it for everyone to read?
Apparently there are some people in this world who have too much time on their hands.