Maybe this will help explain from a "forum" perspective why you get some of the comments you got regarding this thread.
You started this thread about aggression in your pregnant female on 12/5. Last night, 12/8, you popped into chat and spoke with an extremely knowledgeable, kind, and time-giving person about the situation (not me). You asked many of the same questions you do here in this thread and were basically given the same advice.
You said you really wanted to put the female back with the male because the male was always calling out to the female, etc. You were told, unequivocally, not to do that and given some very specific reasons why not to and how it could result in potentially tragic results.
Despite being given excellent information from a very experienced chin person, you asked, once again, how you didn't like having them separated and how they could be together again so they could get back that loving feeling they once had. You were told that chins aren't like people, etc. etc.
Then without notice, you disconnected from chat without so much as a thank you or a goodbye. Now maybe you had a connection issue and later e-mailed the person that helped you to thank them, that I do not know.
I guess what I'm saying is…you asked questions. Maybe you did it in different ways, several times, but the answers have all been the same. You can choose to accept the great advice you are given…or not. That is your choice.