My mom and I adopted two chins off of craigslist last night. A 2.5 year old female and a 2-3 month old make. They had been housed together. I was told she "might" be pregnant. I was holding her last night and Im pretty sure I felt a baby kick. I did not press on her tummy, but just gently held my hand underneath. I have never had a female before but her nipples seem long. Would anyone have pictures for comparison? Her belly also felt "lumpy" in places by just gently touching. I've tried looking this up on the Internet but am not sure if the sources I found were any good, and could not find pictures of a pregnant Chins underside. The male is of course out of the cage. The female is in a cage with 1/2 inch bar spacing. It's a tiny cage, but a baby safe cage should be coming in the mail any day now from Quality Cages. I'm afraid she could end up giving birth if she is in the larger cage that came with them, which has 1 inch bar spacing. I'm going to call my vet when they open, to see if they can tell me for sure. People are so irresponsible. This whole situation makes me mad. She is currently eating Mazuri pellets. I was going to switch her to oxbow, but I didn't think that would be a good idea if she is pregnant? Thanks guys! Im just panicking realizing I may have taken in more than just two chins.