Possibly pregnant chin?

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The kits have developed such distinct personalities!

Snuggles-a mommas boy. Always squeaking and trying to nurse. He keeps sitting on top of her too. Mira just stands up and knocks him off.

Ninja- Like his name, he has elite climbing skills and great coordination. Very fond of jumping out of the cage at feeding time. Have to watch this one!

Marika- a copy cat. She seems to be doing everything Ninja does, or at least attempting to. She has begun to climb out of the cage as well, but has a new favorite resting spot when being held... Between my uh... ****s. And keeps trying to crawl into my bra :p

Ninja seems the most coordinated of the kits. He climbs with ease. The other two climb, but fall off the wall after a couple of inches.
I'm going to have my dad take some tonight :) his camera takes great pictures! The kits are doing great! Bad as ever :p
My dad took individual pictures of all the kits :) These pictures show them at 3.5 weeks.






Ninja looking none to happy.


And a group shot. They are almost impossible to hold still for a group shot! Ninja hopped away every time my dad took a picture. This one was the only one that turned out.
They're impossible to resist! Way too cute and awesome pics too!
Lol. If I had the room and the money I would keep them all. They are super cute, and have so much personality! I'm in love with the gray male. He is a little stinker. He is my favorite. Marika is spoiled by my mom, since she is the only kit we are keeping. The original plan was just to take in Mira :p I think Mira had the perfect number of kits, and the right sexes on purpose ;). One girl to be her cage mate, and two little boys to be cage mates. My parents actually informed me we were keeping Marika. They didn't think it would be fair for Mira to spend her life alone.
Would anyone be able to tell me when the kits should start drinking from the water bottle? I have seen them sniffing it, but not drinking from it. They are a month old.
As they nurse less and less, they will start drinking from the bottle. You won't need to do anything. By the time they are old enough to wean, they will be using the water bottle just fine.
I have new pictures of kits :) They are four weeks old.







Marika. She was the easiest to photograph for my dad, she just sat there. The boys kept running away.
I'm very happy to say I have a home lined up for the two male kits :) They will be going to a wonderful family with teenage children. They came to meet the kits today, and seemed to fall in love with them. Even Marika was laying on the charm ;)
The kits are 6 1/2 weeks old now!








3 pictures of Marika.

It's going to be so hard to give the boys up in a month or so. I'm happy I can at least keep Marika. The boys are going to a good home, but I'm going to miss them terribly.
Very cute, I would not be able to give them up! Take comfort that you have found them a wonderful furrever home. I hope the new family is busy researching and stockpiling necessities for their new family members!