I finally managed to get more pics of the kits. I put them in a small carrier and bribed them with chew sticks to let me take photos, the whole session lasted maybe two mins. They refuse to cooperate. I can't wait till my dad gets home from vacation he can get professional quality photos of the kits!
Ninja throwing his weight around. Marika had that stick first!
And of course weighing in at a little over 90 grams the little chunky monkey won. He even LOOKS guilty...or arrogant.
Snuggles kept his distance from the tug o' war. The blurry whiskers in the front belong to either Marika or Ninja. They both normally shove their noses into the camera. He is 73 grams now, at two weeks. I'm still rotating the kits. I was wondering if this is something I should continue until he is weaned or if there is another way to determine if he is okay without intervention? He is gaining steadily, at about the same rate as his siblings.

Ninja throwing his weight around. Marika had that stick first!

And of course weighing in at a little over 90 grams the little chunky monkey won. He even LOOKS guilty...or arrogant.

Snuggles kept his distance from the tug o' war. The blurry whiskers in the front belong to either Marika or Ninja. They both normally shove their noses into the camera. He is 73 grams now, at two weeks. I'm still rotating the kits. I was wondering if this is something I should continue until he is weaned or if there is another way to determine if he is okay without intervention? He is gaining steadily, at about the same rate as his siblings.