Possibilities of Fleece...

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Nov 13, 2010
So I really LOVE the fleece for my chins cage and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a fleece store. (online)
I know there are chin sites out there that sell it and I in no way want to take away their business, but I was thinking it might be neat if I specialized in fleece liners, beds, hammocks, etc?
I don't want to take away anyone's business, but the sites I have been to had really good products...
And one site had a pretty good selection of colors and patterns, however...if I specialize in it I might be able to get it out faster and have a large variety?
It was a thought and I was wondering how many people would be interested before I put too much time into planning..
PS: It would have to start after Christmas in like late January or February...
Also if you sell fleece can you please tell me what you think about it?
I'd like to get more involved with chin owners and the community (online) since there isn't a community around where I live...
Moose :chin5:
I think the more locations the better! I've recently took a dive into creating my own online Chinnie store specializing in chew toys. I sent in my tax forms yesterday morning & I'll have to wait before I delve into anything further like business cards and the like. I was planning on eventually branching off into fleece items as well.

If you have the time & money, then I say go for it!
Lol okay thanks for the feedback...is that the link to her chew webpage? I really need lots of chew toys for my chin Bardock...he's finding ways to get into my books :///
Yeah, I have a link in my signature as well as on my thread. I'm waiting for my supplies to get in & still looking for more good deals for bulk supplies.
Keep up the thread! I'd love to see what it comes to!! I'm always looking for more chew toys (Tox) and I may...have a small....fleece addiction. I'm going to go to FA (fleeceaholics anonymous). If you go live in February, let me know if you have any Saint Patrick's Day stuff. I'm always looking for stuff to celebrate my bday/heritage! Same goes for you, Tox. I know some people make toys for the holidays. I'll keep up on this to see if you make some!!
I just got my tax thing in the mail today & got accepted! Plus I all ready have some supplies to begin making toys, now I just have to come up with designs. I hope to have a few things posted maybe by tonight and at least by next week!

I also found out we have a sewing machine I didn't know we had - so fleece items will be a possibility too!
Don't forget about ferrets, gliders, ratties and more using fleece. JoAnns site has a section of wholesale/bulk fleece last time I looked
if the price is right id totally buy from u.I currently make my own fleece liners since its super cheap. However id totally stock up if i found someone with reasonable prices for liners as i have 10 pets 8 cages i use fleece in
Charise, since you found the sewing machine, do you think you'll be doing all fleece things? I'm trying to get someone lined up for my Saint Patrick's Day cage plan.
OMG - I would love a site that had stuff for all my fuzzerbutters. With 3 chins, 2 Gpigs, and 3 hamsters (and 1 cat), I have a ton of sites that I use for each animal, but noone carries the same fleece patterns - and all my cages are next to each other, and in a living space that people see when they visit. I'd be so happy if I could get matching sets for eveyone... just saying.