Please vote in memory of Howie.

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Chinchilla Villa

Active member
Feb 27, 2009
Colfax, CA (Sac, Reno area)
I entered our puppy Howie in the cutest dog competition on Tuesday. Wednesday morning when we got to work he got away from me and ran into the street right in front of a car, Howie was killed instantly :cry3:. He was my little boy and I miss him so much. My wife and I have decided that if he wins we will donate a portion of the winnings in Howie's memory to the Active 20-30 of Auburn, a local children's service organization to help with there Christmas shopping spree for under privileged children.
Please help us out and help Howie win.

Thank you for your support. We miss our little boy.
For more information on Active 20-30 visit
I'm so sorry to hear about your Howie. He was so beautiful. My cocker spaniel Molly was hit by a car last Christmas, so I know how heartbreaking it is to lose your dog so quickly.
I voted. Rest in peace, sweet puppy
I'm so sorry for your loss. My first dog ever (this was in 1998, I remember the exact day and month it happened) was hit by a car. She was a beautiful little Doxie/beagle mix. I can tell you it was one of the worst days of my life. I voted for the little guy.
Howie is truly adorable and deserves to win. I am so sorry you lost him. I just lost one of my stray cats I care for on the road. It's incredibly disheartening. I sure hope Howie wins, it would be a great gift in his honor.
when i was little i watched my little bichon frise' puppy get hit by a car right in front of my house. i have honestly been tramatized ever since and am neurotic when it comes to my pets now. i constantly check the gate or the cages. i am so sorry that you also had to deal with this. rip howie. :(
Thank you everyone you are all so nice and reading your kind word defiantly helps in the healing process. I have just been completely devastated this last week and still can not believe he is gone. Howie winning this contest and us being able to donate in his name to an organization that is so important to myself and family would mean the world.
Thank you all and please keep voting, please tell your friends it is for a great cause.
I am so sorry! He was just adorable! I voted for him, and will again tomorrow when it allows me to.