Please use proper terms...

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I hope most of us are smart enough to figure out what someone is referring to, no matter what word they use. Instead of dwelling over them not using the correct anatomical name, I help them. I highly doubt this thread is going to make people start using the correct anatomical term. People are going to use what they're going to use. It does annoy me when someone uses the child like words for parts but I'm not going to have a hissy over it. I'm going to try to help them with whatever problem they have. This isn't anatomy class, it's Chins-n-Hedgies.

Not everyone was brought up being educated on the proper terms, i.e. penis and vagina. Not everyone feels comfortable saying them. Who am I to judge what they choose to use? Just don't make up some child like name for a penis as 32 year old adult and I'm fine. We also have younger members here who may feel uncomfortable talking about their pet's genitals, or might not even know if they're allowed.
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I can honestly say if someone used the term va-jay-jay to describe my genitals I would be offended.

This might not be an anatomy class, but isn't it a place for learning? Not all learning requires a class. What amazes me is the opposition I've seen from the staff of this forum regarding it.
I can honestly say if someone used the term va-jay-jay to describe my genitals I would be offended.

This might not be an anatomy class, but isn't it a place for learning? Not all learning requires a class. What amazes me is the opposition I've seen from the staff of this forum regarding it.

Did you not see my last post on this thread? I suggested posting a picture and correct anatomical terms precisely for learning purposes.

IMO, the opposition you're feeling came from the way you originally posted. To me, it sounded very bossy and you just "expected" everyone on the forum to post how YOU would like things referred to.

I know you say what's on your mind, and don't mince words, so it wasn't a huge deal, but I think a lot of folks went, "Whoa...who does she think she is?" LOL.
What amazes me is the opposition I've seen from the staff of this forum regarding it.
You see opposition. I see a Team which is prepared to show tolerance & patience towards other members of the forum because not everyone uses the same language ........... Nobody is saying it is not better to use the correct terminology, just that we can't expect it.

As I said in a previous post, on a public forum we need to cut people some slack - as long as they are not using slang, vulgar, or childish terms then I don't see what the problem is - it is not difficult to inoffensively correct someone if they use wrong terminology - that's teaching. *shrug*
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I had a teacher who, at 45 years old still wasn't comfortable saying 'pregnant' due to the upbringing she had. Expecting people to use the correct terms is rude, imo, because you don't know what their situation may be like. Instead of bashing them, teach them and help them. They may be more open to using it next time.
I can honestly say if someone used the term va-jay-jay to describe my genitals I would be offended.

Well lets hope no one on this forum is describing or discussing YOUR vagina or labia. ;)
Ok thank you Nicole--so even though they are referred to as labia they are in fact not like human labia and the cone is in fact labia in female chinchillas. I realize this is not a debate thread but I just wanted to add I find it intriguing the use of slang for gentalia drives dawn nuts because the use of CC for Critical Care and LL for Life Line drives me nuts!
Ok thank you Nicole--so even though they are referred to as labia they are in fact not like human labia and the cone is in fact labia in female chinchillas. I realize this is not a debate thread but I just wanted to add I find it intriguing the use of slang for gentalia drives dawn nuts because the use of CC for Critical Care and LL for Life Line drives me nuts!

Aww Laurie. Rub some LL on it and get over it!
Well I hate the word "rite" for right, and poor spellers that don't use spell check! But I almost always use slang for body parts.

Sorry, just had to add my two cents.
I don't get the whole "Well that's how they were brought up so you can't change it" argument. I was taught a lot of things as a child, that as an adult I find idiotic. And you know what I did, I changed. Isn't that part of being an adult, coming to your own conclusions and not regurgitating whatever was force fed to you as a child? I wasn't taught about "the birds & the bees", I didn't learn about my sexuality, and I was one of those who grew up with parents who reprimanded me for using words like vagina and penis. But I grew up and got over it.

How can we admonish forum members fr tlkng lk3 thz but then be perfectly OK with members who refer to genitals as hoohas, ding dongs, unicorn raker, cookie, weewee, suzie, goo goo, rainbow hippo, or whatever ridiculous and arbitrary word that some insecure, suppressed adult taught them. On your own time, call it whatever you want - which is exactly what I do as well. But if you're on a forum to learn and get advice from, then it should be common knowledge to refer to "chin bits" as penis and vagina.

When it gets to be more technical ex: sheath, cone and what not then that's when it should become lax regarding specified terminology.
I think that part of my issue with creating posts is that I'm trained for technical manuals and medical writing, in both areas they you simply lay out instructions or facts. A lot of people would rather be sweet talked.
I don't get the whole "Well that's how they were brought up so you can't change it" argument. I was taught a lot of things as a child, that as an adult I find idiotic. And you know what I did, I changed. Isn't that part of being an adult, coming to your own conclusions and not regurgitating whatever was force fed to you as a child? I wasn't taught about "the birds & the bees", I didn't learn about my sexuality, and I was one of those who grew up with parents who reprimanded me for using words like vagina and penis. But I grew up and got over it.

How can we admonish forum members fr tlkng lk3 thz but then be perfectly OK with members who refer to genitals as hoohas, ding dongs, unicorn raker, cookie, weewee, suzie, goo goo, rainbow hippo, or whatever ridiculous and arbitrary word that some insecure, suppressed adult taught them. On your own time, call it whatever you want - which is exactly what I do as well. But if you're on a forum to learn and get advice from, then it should be common knowledge to refer to "chin bits" as penis and vagina.

When it gets to be more technical ex: sheath, cone and what not then that's when it should become lax regarding specified terminology.

I'm not even going to get into this because your comments are coming from a younger person from a completely different generation. My generation was taught differently and would continue to BE different because that's how they were raised. I use correct terminology because I have been a medical transcriptionist for 30 years. To me, it's second nature. I can count on less than 1 finger how many times I have heard my mom say vagina and she was a teacher for 40 some odd years. I'm sure she would be truly impressed with your sage advice to "get over it" because she chooses not to use that particular word. She gets her point across just fine without it.

I don't understand what all the bruhaha is about in this thread. Can you honestly tell me that if someone said they were bleeding from down below you couldn't figure out what they meant? I will say again. People have no problem saying butt. So if they mean bleeding from the butt, that's what they are going to say. On the other hand, did you ever think they don't KNOW where the bleeding is coming from, and so "down below" becomes all encompassing?

Again, who cares? I am an owner of this forum and I don't, so I don't know why it bothers so many people. As long as the words used aren't completely stupid, then really, what is the point to arguing about it in this thread? I find internet speak to be 100 times more offensive than someone who says "down below" as opposed to penis or vagina.
I totally agree with Peggy on this.

I have no issues with someone say man parts, or down there, or whatever they're using to signify the general vicinity. If we need specifics, we can ask. I have no problem writing penis or vagina on a forum for educational purposes. But you won't find me saying those in general to people I know.

I didn't grow up saying those words or having my parents say those words. Actually, I have no idea how they referred to those parts. But I don't think the words are dirty.

They're words, I don't see the big deal.
I don't get the whole "Well that's how they were brought up so you can't change it" argument. I was taught a lot of things as a child, that as an adult I find idiotic. And you know what I did, I changed. Isn't that part of being an adult, coming to your own conclusions and not regurgitating whatever was force fed to you as a child? I wasn't taught about "the birds & the bees", I didn't learn about my sexuality, and I was one of those who grew up with parents who reprimanded me for using words like vagina and penis. But I grew up and got over it.

How can we admonish forum members fr tlkng lk3 thz but then be perfectly OK with members who refer to genitals as hoohas, ding dongs, unicorn raker, cookie, weewee, suzie, goo goo, rainbow hippo, or whatever ridiculous and arbitrary word that some insecure, suppressed adult taught them. On your own time, call it whatever you want - which is exactly what I do as well. But if you're on a forum to learn and get advice from, then it should be common knowledge to refer to "chin bits" as penis and vagina.

When it gets to be more technical ex: sheath, cone and what not then that's when it should become lax regarding specified terminology.

Congrats on being able to step out from the shell that you were raised in, but just because you as a single being is able to do so doesn't mean that others can. But you must also remember that not all of us on this forum are adults, there for saying to get over on how your parents raised you when you are still living with your parents is a little over the top. Atleast in my opinion. Also, there are many people who are older than us where it is rude to say words such as penis, vagina, and anus. Be considerate at least.

The difference of people tlking lk3 thz, and calling a penis a weewee, is the simple fact that it's easier to read and you know exactly what they are talking about. There is a HUGE gap between not knowing your elementry grammer and using a slang word because it's more comfortable for that person.

I think it's extremely rude for someone to basically demand that another person must step out of their comfort zone so that they can get help with a question from people that they barely know. This is an internet forum, not medical school. Technically, this is our own time, none of us are at school or work through this website, with the possible acception of the admins.

If someone can't distinguish between their butt, bottom, poop hole, man parts, lady parts, and so on then maybe you shouldn't be giving advice to someone who needs it about their chinchilla or hedgehog who is bleeding from the bum or if you really must ask for clarification; if your worried about the emergency quesiton not being answered in time for the owner, I'm sure that out of however many active members on this forum will be able to figure it out.

Not all of this directed at you Tati, your post is just the one that got me thinking. :)
Personally, I think we've beat this issue to death. I'm going to close this thread, as I think we have to agree to disagree on this.
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