Please use proper terms...

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I do think asking for at least 'genitals' or 'butt' is a fair request for clarifation. Just a way to differentiate and get faster responses during what might be an emergency. While I do feel people should know these terms and accept them as educational knowledge, I don't think it is necessary to state the specific medical terms; I don't call my fingers felanges.
For those not comfortabble speaking that way, think of it this way:
Wouldn't you rather get a quick response to your question instead of a slew of posts back and forth trying to figure out to what part of the body you're referring?
I think some people know in their mind what area they are referring to, but forget to translate that. I think some people may be shy with specific terms. I think some people have no idea what the different parts are. It may be annoying, but if we can't be sure what part of the chin someone is talking about, it never hurts to ask. Yes, it may be a waste of time or an extra step to get an answer, but if clarification is needed, I don't think it is that big of a deal. I agree that we don't need preschool words to define the areas, that would be a big deal to me (unless I was talking to a child) so I agree that people should be as clear as they can using the best terminology they know. But since we are a forum that has people of different ages, we can't just assume that everyone here has specific knowledge of the genitalia.
Because it does make a difference, it is normal for a female to have a whitish discharge from her vagina during a heat cycle, it is not normal for a chin to have a whitish discharge from their anus. By saying this are you basically assuming that Joe Schmoe is not capable of knowing basic anatomy? It's not difficult to know that in almost all species a male has a penis and a female has a vulva, or even as Peggy said use the word gentilia to describe any outer parts used for reproduction.

Have you never had a pet person think their female is a male for mistaking the urethral cone for a penis? Regular people DO NOT know the difference between a urethral cone, vulva, anus, or penile sheath. Now, they might know these terms if they did any research into chinchilla anatomy, but how many of our newer members are willing to do their own research?

Now that you've clarified later in the posts that genitalia would be sufficient, I agree. The general populace should know that word and should be able to use it to specify the region that is "off".
I grew up in a home where saying certain words was not allowed. When we wanted to refer to genetalia it was "privates." I still have a tough time saying words like penis or vagina. It kind of makes me uncomfortable to hear other people say them as well. That being said, if I were in an emergency I would probably say something along the lines of "OMG my male has hurt his private!" or "my female had discharge coming from her delicates!"

Yes I know how odd that sounds after going to public school. There is a reason the penis game exists. I still cant say those words around any of my family. Typeing is easier but saying it is murder.

Basicly, I just had to say I understand where people who use weewee and other words are coming from.
I actually know a lot of people who do their own research... And I've never personally known a person who has mistaken a male for a female, I've seen it happen on the forums yes, but personally, never known one that's admitted at least.

And people were worried about people with questions being afraid to ask due to not using proper terms, but since you've just clarified that all regular people are basically incompetent and can't tell which is the anus and which isn't, we don't have to worry about it.
I actually know a lot of people who do their own research... And I've never personally known a person who has mistaken a male for a female, I've seen it happen on the forums yes, but personally, never known one that's admitted at least.

You must be very lucky. Unfortunatly most of the people I deal with at the rescue league think papaya and yogart drops are daily supplements.
Someone once told me that they thought the female's urethral cone was where the babies came out. Yet another person told me that they thought the anus on a female was the vagina and that feces and urine all came out of the urethral cone. Obviously, we've had different experiences and your faith in the general populace's understanding of anatomy is much higher than mine.
Probably a difference in the public education... or the fact that people must not care enough to explain basic "how things work" to their kids. The more I learn the less I want to leave my own state.
Probably a difference in the public education... or the fact that people must not care enough to explain basic "how things work" to their kids. The more I learn the less I want to leave my own state.

You might be better off just staying in the house if you dont want to interact with the uneducated population. (half my relitives are from Omaha area;))
I'm 3 hrs from Omaha... I'm probably safe, lol. I actually try to avoid Omaha even though I have family there. Crazy drivers all over the place! Too busy for me! I go there usually 3-6 times a year, usually to the airport for one thing or another. My grandma basically lives at the casinos... she's there almost every week at least once, lol. And she doesn't even live in Omaha, she lives about 1 1/2 hrs away. :p
Try as I might I have yet to see any labia on my chinchilla girls--if they have cone where are the lips? Where are the labia major and minor, as according to Nicole they connect the vagina internally to the uterus. I'm still not seeing it!
I agree with Nicole, the use of slang for body parts drives me nuts. That and the stupid texting slang like U and R. You don't have to be ultra specific but at least use penis, testicle, anus and vagina for those parts.
(Like what I'm learning right now: the neurohypophysis is linked to the hypothalamus via the infundibular stalk and the median eminence within the sella turcica - ICK)

It's nice seeing others talking my a certain degree. I may have not heard of a neurohypophysis, however I know exactly where you are talking about in the skull.

On a side note- I also can't stand it when people use slang words either. Probably more so when family members tell my boys to cover up their worm or a bird will get it. I mean come on. My boys corrected them real quick. 'Papa I don't have a worm, I have a penis" Gotta love 5 and 6 yr olds.

Anyhow-if it was me and I am trying to help out in an emergency, I would want to know specific parts whether it be vagina, testicle, etc. The more correct info I know the faster I can get help to you. I don't want to have to dig for info or take a guess. That's just my 2 cents for what its worth.
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Well, how about one of the more knowledgeable people start a thread and include a picture and the correct anatomical term?

Then, those who do not know the exact terminology will be learning something and can use that term if the need should ever arise.
Laurie, in animals what you see as the female cone would be the labia, it splits open into to "lips" when a female is in heat or birthing. Cattle for example do not have labia like a humans' but it is still labia, their's is similar to a dog's or horse's labia.

I know where the neurohypophysis is, we learned about it in A & P, it truly was one of my favorite classes although most people despised it due to all of the terms that had to be learned. I'd gladly retake it, in fact I think I'd probably even learn more taking it again. I think it's funny in a sad way that most people know more about the lives of reality TV stars or pop stars, etc than they know about their own body.
One of the great things about this forum is that not everyone knows everything and the people who do are here the help the people who dont. You cannot change was people are comfortable with saying. If you want people to come back(FOR THE CHINS) and feel comfortable you should then let them post how they feel comfortable and ask that they expand if they havent made it clear enough where on the body there is an issue.
Well, I totally thought I was on a different thread. But it's not like we can force people to use different terms. We can try to make them understand that using proper terms can help them get help when they are asking for it. I'll honestly say I've passed over threads because of vague language, especially regarding genital areas.
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This debate is interesting to me. As a biology teacher, of course these proper terms are taught to kids by the time they are sophomores and are preferred usage when discussing them in my class. However, for me, since I am neither religious nor old school when it comes to how proper I expect people to speak, I accept that my students will occasionally say words that are from their common jargon (as I see it, one can speak of sexual anatomy in three ways: 1) scientific terminology, i.e. penis 2) cutesy/affectionate/joking manner, i.e., wee wee, or 3) what some would consider vulgar, i.e. c**k) as I understand that they usually speak of these anatomical items with their friends, not their parents (I can't recall a single time where I said the word "penis" to my parents). And as such, I do not discipline them for not using the words "penis" or "vagina", but do encourage them to use the proper terminology when speaking of them in class. However, one must realize that this makes them very uncomfortable because clearly, some parents teach them the proper terms (sometimes added with it some shame or guilt concerning talking about them) and some teach them cutesy terms for anatomy. Either way, kids are uncomfortable using proper terminology because they somehow attach it to something they really aren't supposed to be talking about (again, the religious guilt thing...I remember it well from Catholic school), so they use cutesy terms.

Anyhow, the reason I said all that is because I think it's important to realize that people usually know the proper terminology but may not feel comfortable using it (even as adults), especially in a forum where posters may not feel comfortable because they are new or they don't know everyone (or they are scared someone is going to make them feel bad for asking a question). However, I definitely agree that every chin owner should be able to identify the "down there" region, if only for sex identification.

Additionally, realize that some people have different senses of humor and humor is a coping mechanism people use to deal with stressful situations. And some people just have affectionate nicknames that they like to use, it doesn't make them less intelligent than you, and I am sure most of the time they can tell you the general term for what ails their chin even if they use a nickname for it.

So while I think that you asking people to use the "correct terms" is a valid request, but it is just that, YOUR request. It may or may not change people's rhetoric but it might alienate some people who really feel uncomfortable with using the proper terms. I think if you put yourself in the place of a teacher (which essentially you would be if you are going to give advice about an emergency situation), you would realize that everyone has a different comfort level when discussing "forbidden" areas (it may be easier to just translate it in your head when they say cutesy terms or ask for more specifics), so they may revert to using common jargon to make it easier for them to talk about what is going on. You must admit, at least they're not saying things like "how do you do a hair ring check on my chinnie's c**k", or "there is some sort of discharge from my chin's pu**y"....wouldn't that be a lot worse?

It is more pedagogically effective to support those who do not use the proper terms (or the terms you want them to use) by using vocabulary that we all speak (or want them to speak) so they become familiar with those terms and see that those are the terms forum members want them to use. In time, the beginners will use the language they need to use in order to communicate with the advanced owners/breeders. Remember, we all started out as beginners. ;)
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