Quito is going to the rainbow bridge later on today.
I got a new batch of metacam on Wed. and gave a lot .2cc of the 1.5 strength. The vet tech said metacam is light sensitive, and we had the old one on the window sill. I wanted him to have good pain meds to see if they worked better. By yesterday mid afternoon, we could tell it had worn off, and Quito wouldn't even come to the cage door to greet my daughter. Quito is her's, she has had him since she was 11. He always greets her, even if he is asleep. First she said she wanted to go through the weekend, but we read through threads and emails, one where the chin was tense in pain and completely relaxed when sedated, and others explaining about malo. She then knew he was in pain, he has been tense. Then she said Saturday. Then I didn't want to go through two more nights saying goodbye, so we set it late today. He didn't want much CC last night, so he got cheerios and oat flakes. My husband gave him a raisin to say goodbye, and we tanked him on more pain meds and my son and daughter let him run all over the house. Today, I checked on him, he wasn't sleeping, and usually is. Pain meds wore off already. So I gave him more, and will continue until we go. She wants to be with him, so we decided to have her hold him while he is sedated to be able to say goodbye with him completely out of pain, then let them take him to the back to finish, then bring him back to take home and bury (she has his "casket" ready, complete with all the things she calls him written on it, and hoping there are hot babes in chinny heaven for him...).
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and walking through this with us. It has been rough, but we needed to be sure. Last night (of course) when my daughter came to get him to feed him, he ran up to her (pain meds not worn off). She started crying, and he licked her face and her tears. So at that moment, I was glad I freed his tongue a little over a week ago, it bought another week of as close to normal as we could get to be able to finally let go.