please answer ASAP

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I remeber that chick--don't remember her name though..took her chinchilla for walks with her on the beach same argument..I don't believe in cages blah blah bla...kit died a horrible dealth prolapsed intestines because he managed to eat something while out...

I believe that what you are doing will lead to the death of your chinchilla one way or another..chewing wires or eating something toxic for your neglegance...

Or you are a troll.
If you want us to see your post under "chin emergencies"then I would take your chin outdoors.:rofl::rofl:
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Have you considered that taking him outside in a carrier may stress him?
I know it stresses both our girls when we've had to take them outside in a carrier.

from the day kenny left the pet store, he has been traveling wilbury number 5. he has been a lot of places in a little zippered messenger bag, and since then, in his carrier. he is a little frisky to get out and explore, but nonetheless content. he is not scared.

He doesn't need something "new".
is sounds like you, on the other hand do.. he is not stressed when he leaves his room.

The answer is: You shouldn't take your chin in a carrier on a hike.
why is this? because none of you have ever done such a thing? what is the big friggin deal? i think it sounds like a fun idea, and so does kenny.. ask him for yourself.

If you already take him out all the time, what is the difference if it's 44 degrees or 30 or 20 degrees? Why ask?
because the thin line between a freezing death and a pleasant hike is not one i'd like to tempt. do you think i'm that stupid to go on a hike in sub freezing temps?

you guys are all so **** stubborn and full of yourselves. i can't even read the rest of this thread without wanting to puke in my suit. just relax and stop being such jealous chinchilla lovers.
Theyre just trying to help you and if you dont want to take it that's your problem. You arent going to get much sympathy if your chin gets sick.
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Zappa - Don't self police and don't be so rude. I don't care where you puke, but don't comment on it here.

This is a forum. When someone posts a stupid idea, they tend to get called on it by experienced, not "jealous" chin lovers. If you can't add anything constructive to the thread, then don't post.
Wow, what a mature post!

I guess you are the chin guru and just know what they are thinking.

What exactly are we jealous of? Antics that would put our chins lifes on the line? Oh, and yes we are so full of ourselves, taking time out of our day to offer advise that is in the best interest of other peoples chins.

PUH-LEASE!!!! I feel sorry for your chins.
Jealous of what exactly? I'm so jealous of people ignoring advice and doing stupid things. I have had 12 years of getting used to people doing dumb things with their chins and I still haven't gotten used to it. went and quoted a bunch of people in your post...why don't you chill?

Why would anyone want to take a chin on a hike anyway? It makes me wonder about the possibility of trolls on this forum. That is, people, who may be just trying to stir things up for the sake of stirring things up. And, if that is the case, I have a feeling that you're going to get hit by the ban hammer soon enough.

Want some stories of what people have done to their chinchillas to kill them? I have plenty of them...lots of dumb things that people did because they wanted their chinchillas to experience something new.
guys, its because of the way you all jump at people. if you guys would just chill out we wouldnt be so upset. this is not the reason we came on here so.
i think it sounds like a fun idea, and so does kenny.. ask him for yourself.

I'm sorry, but is Kenny a chin? I didn't realize chins could talk and express their emotions. In fact, I never knew chins' emotions were the same as ours. How enlightening!

you guys are all so **** stubborn and full of yourselves. i can't even read the rest of this thread without wanting to puke in my suit. just relax and stop being such jealous chinchilla lovers.

Yes, we're the ones being stubborn... Why ask a question when you've already made up your mind? I find it pathetic that some people can be so selfish. If you truly loved your chin, you'd take the advice of experienced owners, and put the chin's well being ahead of your childish desires.

guys, its because of the way you all jump at people. if you guys would just chill out we wouldnt be so upset. this is not the reason we came on here so.

Zappa - That wasn't the response that was first given. When the advice was given, it was said nicely. After the OP, I'm assuming your girlfriend, basically told everybody to stuff it up their ***, she was going to do what she was going to do, you can pretty much see the downward trend.

Again, people don't much care about your feelings. They care about the welfare of the chin. That is what they were expressing.
But that was from a month haven't taken him to the vet yet? I'm confused.

Your chin probably has/had an upper respiratory infection. You should have taken him to the vet a month ago.

What do you want from people here? To only give advice that you like? It doesn't work that way. I've got a lot of chinchilla experience, maybe I shouldn't waste it on you?
thats his condition from the pet store and all of you super experienced owners have NO clue what this issue is.. the vet will tell us on tuesday, thanks.
:rolleyes: Oh ok - I was referencing your posts which showed complete disregard to the welfare of your chinchilla(s) & your persistence that you knew better than anyone on the forum about fighting chins, leaving them unsupervised, safe play areas, electric cabling ..............

Do we take it from this narky post that your chinchilla still has a problem? I do hope you've not left him since you originally posted .......... but what do we know? We're all jealous and uptight, right? :banghead:
People have already said this but you asked for advice and they gave it too you. We can't please everyone and we thought that this was a serious situiayion that was putting this chin in danger. These peopke have YEARS of experience as to where you are somewhat new to these creatures. Its your animal, and you can do what you want, but if you dont want to hear us then dont post
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