please answer ASAP

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Although I've heard of some ranchers keeping their barns as low as 55 in the winter, I'd not try to stretch it another 11 degrees! Especially coming down from 68-72 degrees in a home!
Same goes for the summer, from A.C. to 80+ and/or humidity! [you said "all the time"]

Sudden changes could/would cause problems, not worth the chance, in my opinion!
...showed complete disregard to the welfare of your chinchilla(s) & your persistence that you knew better than anyone on the forum about fighting chins, leaving them unsupervised, safe play areas, electric cabling ..:banghead:

Kenny and Zappa now clean themselves and share food. They are best friends! They did wrestle, but we would immediately split them up. It's not like we were placing bets on a winner :rollseyes:

Sorry guys, we know you want to help us and everyone.. But you guys really ganged up on her pretty fast, and it is overwhelming. She's USED to taking her Kenny places and his gestures don't speak of uneasy nerves, which are very easy to spot in a chinchilla. Zappa is still nervous.. And the new girl, Vera, is still pretty nervous, rightfully so. [She's at my house. barking dog, three nieces and nephews.. But she's in my room and snuggling up on a t shirt in her cage contently, and comes out once or twice a day to go on a romp around and about. I have tens of thousands of dollars worth of drums and electronic studio equipment in here to be letting a chinchilla get lost..

Thanks guys. Sorry for the frustration and short tempers. Well, I'm not the only one with a short temper, obviously. This is still a forum, nonetheless, and people will be people. You guys know better, right. But don't jump down the throats of others because of it. Relax.
All I can say is WOW! A person comes onto a forum and ask a question, then opt to not even consider the advice given and then have the nerve to ***** and complain about blows my mind! :no:

That takes nerve!
Okay, pretty much all that needs said has been said (and then some), so I'm going to close this down. The OP at this point has already gone on her hike! So whatever happened, happened.
Sorry, but I have to say this. This is all nonsense...I mean, think about it. The guy had to ask permission from his dad to bring a chin home and yet he says they have "free roam" in the kitchen, etc. One of them even bit through a wire and had a brown patch of burnt fur. Now the person still lets them have free roam with "mostly safe wiring"? He finds it amusing that there are chunks of baseboard missing? How does dad feel about that, if that's even true. He/she intends to take a hike with a chinchilla in a little carry thing? lol It's meant to incite and to see how many people will reply to the thread. I see my daughter's friends doing this kind of stuff all the time on my space and some other sites. They make up stories and wait for the replies to start rolling in.
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