You know this how exactly? He likes it - how do you know?My chin enjoys going places. I don't know if it's because I don't believe in cages and he has free to roam so he's more tame or what. Out of my three chins he has the most personality and is quite unusual. He has been out and about in his carrying case many times before, i'm not worried about him being stressed over it he likes it.
This is anthropomorphic garbage. You are putting human emotions onto your chinchilla and it is totally unfair on him.
Also, he is a crepuscular prey animal, not a dog - he does not need to be taken for a walk especially during the day when he should be asleep.
More anthropomorphic nonsense.He would be more stressed if I went on this hike and left him her alone for a few hours, honestly he get's mad at me when i'm not around for a while.
Do you know why people have bothered to respond to your posts in this thread even though they know you are not listening?I did think over you advice that I didn't even ask for. I said thank you for your help, but all I wanted to know was about temperature. My chin comes with me everywhere, and believe me he is not stressed. I know he's not a little person in a fur coat or a cat or dog. That's why I joined the CHINCHILLA forum.
It's because this is a chinchilla forum - because we care about the health, welfare, and treatment of chinchillas.
If you know he's not a small person and you know he's not a dog then stop treating him like he is! Treat him like a chinchilla - no walks outside because you think it's fun for him.