Plastic Bottom Pan?

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Active member
Jan 20, 2012
So my Prevue cage came in today, and I'll be getting my chinchilla tomorrow. the cage has a wire pull out bottom, and a plastic pull out pan below it. I dont like the idea of the wire bottom, so I pulled it out and just left the plastic pan full of bedding. I know they cant have plastic, so I was wondering if this would be okay?
If they can get to the plastic I would watch very careful for chewing. You may have been better off putting in a fleece liner.
I'd definitely go for fleece liner or get a metal pan from Bass Equipment. While all 4 of mine will nibble on plastic, I have two that devour anything they can, including PVC. It's just not worth the risk.

I have one cage with a plastic bottom that is fine as the chin doesn't chew it. I recently had 4 rescues come in with a cage that I chucked as they had destroyed the plastic pan. The people must have turned that side against a wall because thet could easily get out. It really depends on the chin.
i have two FN 142's and neither of my chins chew the plastic pan, but i do have fleece liners over it.
while i would like to upgrade to thembass pan thingies, i have two tw0story FN cages with plastic pans (4). My one boy chewed large wholes in the bottom tray but that was because his last owners didnt have anything for him to chew on.

Since adding things for him to chew, in the last 5~ years, none of my 5 chins chewed on the plastic trays. (Kinda strange considering absolutly nothing else is off limits in their little heads) But you still have to be causious with them. Cant wait to upgrade myself'
As of now i have a pumice block, wooden shelves, a wooden block, and a cardboard toilet paper roll. This little guy is about to be spoiled on chew toys...