Ohio Claim Show, Oct 29, Plymouth OH

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I talked to Jan and she said you do not have to be an MCBA member to show chins and there is not an inreased entry fee for non-members showing. She said everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend!
I've got the showbooks and my raffle items ready! The Atlantic Chapter will also have a 2012 calendar for the raffle, and have others for sale for $12. Looking forward to this weekend! =)
Cheryl - Classification is scheduled to start at 9 am so judging will start once they are finished classifying animals. Should be around 10 am but possibly earlier depending on how many animals are entered.
Ugh depending on how this scenario with my female in long labor plays out I may not be able to make it...Still hopefull at this point...
I am in the same boat now, I have a 1 week old baby that is being picked on by his mother and sister out of the blue (he is already a tripod) so am in the process of trying to foster him to a first time mom with a single kit 2 days old. She seems to be caring for him but he seems to be looking for his mother. This is the last thing my husband wants to deal with - ugh!
SO, who's going to spill it? What were the major hits? Who took home the trophies (new chins included)? What's the news? I'm DYING here!
LOL! Yeah, I'm a day ahead ;) happens when you lack sleep I suppose...gosh don't I feel stupid! I just LOVE show season...hearing who does what! Anywho...we better have results asap tomorrow! I'll be watching! And to those who pointed out that I'm stupid...thansk guys LOL!
We are on the same calendar! I was thinking the SAME THING! My kids didn't have school today so it has been messing with me all day long! :D

We'll be stupid together!