Thanks to everyone who was so helpful at my first show! I was only going to pick up the brown velvet baby i purchased from Mark and to observe a show for the first time but I ended up claiming the reserve white female. So here are a couple pics (crappy phone pics but pics none the less)
We had TONS of fun as usual! It was so nice to catch up with everyone. A special THANK YOU to everyone who made the show possible and worked hard to put it together! Mark, it was really nice to meet you, hope to see you again some day!
We had not planned to purchase any animals at this show, but ended up claiming Bill and Cat's standard reserve male of show
We were very please with the way our animals did. I am especially excited with the beige female that Paul and I co-bred!!! I cant wait to see what she produces for you Becky!
We also came home with our very first baby derby trophy....well reserve champ baby derby.
One of my favorite things I brought home with me is a beautiful hand crocheted blanket made by Juanita that I won at the raffle.......I LOVE it!
The person that was supposed to take take the pictures (KYLE) slacked on his job after the I dont have much!
I am very sorry I missed it, I spent the day moving chinchillas to their barn. I will make it next year though ( especially since I have more room now )
Good thing you where there Tiffany especially since Kyle was busy eating some of Mish's Yummy's.
Nice pics everyone... there was some really nice animals there, I wish I could have been there. REALLY!!!