no babies?

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My 1st chin is a standard from a petstore and was diagnosed with malo last year. I have spent well over $1000 dollars and continue to spend money on him so he can live his short life as pain free as possible.

I know it is difficult to hear that everyone disagrees with you and everyone here is pretty hot on the subject of petstore breeding in general, let alone a 14 year old who it not capable of getting their chin to a vet without the assistance of a licensed driver.

I think it is wonderful that you are a caring pet owner, but please try and be responsible.
Separate the male & female and just buy a baby chin from an experienced breeder.
Check out the classified section and you will find plenty available.
I would have to say I have seen 12 chinchillas come through with malo. Many pets people dumped off and 10 of them were standard grey....just because one website says it doesn't make it true. I have seen sites that say when they get wet their fur falls off.

You are going to do whatever you want. I am not going to get aggrivated I am done with you. You are just trying to justify getting what you want and I get that you are an immature child playing with the lives of animals. if your chinchillas suffer and die, or their babies suffering and die slowly that is 100% on you and entirely your fault. you will get no sympathy from me.
i have a lot to say right now, but im not going to. and i dont rember asking for ur sympathy. i asked when to expect babies about seven pages ago. so just leave me alone. im dont with this. just cuz a chin comes from a petstore doesnt mean its going to die of malo. u ppl pick out every little tiny thing i do wrong with my chins. u need to get a life, and focus on yourselfs instead of what im doing with my chins. im done with this. bye

When you decide to come back; Please mature a little bit; do some research; and learn how to correctly breed and take care of your animals.

Thank You.
i have a lot to say right now, but im not going to. and i dont rember asking for ur sympathy. i asked when to expect babies about seven pages ago. so just leave me alone. im dont with this. just cuz a chin comes from a petstore doesnt mean its going to die of malo. u ppl pick out every little tiny thing i do wrong with my chins. u need to get a life, and focus on yourselfs instead of what im doing with my chins. im done with this. bye

YOU posted a thread asking a question, people voiced their concerns and you responded. YOU said you don't want to get a bad reputation on this forum. People have explained to you how to do that and you are blatantly ignoring the advice. You are brushing everything off with the typical mentality of a fourteen year old that cannot comprehend consequences. Don't get miffed with us just because your age, experience and knowledge are readily apparent.

Just because you think your chins are healthy, does not mean they do not carry the genes for malo. More times than not, chinchillas that come from pet stores will malocclude. We are giving you the plain, cold, hard truth.
i know how to correctly take care of my animals thank you very much. you wouldn't no how i care for them so don't be making judgements.
my chins have a huge cage, are nice and plump, and get lots of exercise.
Chinlover - I realize you think I have nothing better to do than to continually say this but USE THE EDIT BUTTON.

This forum is free to you, but not to those of us who own it. Every time you add more to it, the bandwidth usage goes up. It also makes the thread incredibly confusing. If you can't follow this rule, please don't post. It's just not that hard to do.
Originally Posted by chinlover24 View Post

it says "in general, ressesive mutations, like ebony, sapphire, and violet, along with hybrids are more likely to malloclude then standards and dominent colors, although any chinchillas can possibly malloclude"

Firstly I see three spelling errors in that so called quote.
In general, recessive mutations like ebony, sapphire, and violet, along with hybrids, are more likely to malocclude than standards and dominant colors, although any chinchilla can potentially malocclude. Also, chinchillas that grow rapidly, and chinchillas with the extremely short brevicaudata head shape are more likely to malocclude, as are inbred chinchillas with the above traits. It is also suspected that an inability to absorb calcium and other nutrients plays a role in setting a chinchilla up to malocclude. Environmental factors also play a role. Diet, including the intake of excessive simple sugars, can contribute to malocclusion. Additionally, illness, hay wedged between the teeth, foreign particles stuck between the teeth or under the gums, teeth stuck in breeding collars or wire, and abscesses under the gums can contribute to malocclusion.

You'll note it also mentioned a lot of other things other than color as well. I don't have a thought on the malo in mutes vs. stds either way. It's possible that you can see more std maloclude because there are more standards, or that mutes may because mutes are not as old as stds and the gene pools for them started small, locking in certain traits, poss. malo.

The reason that people are concerned about this is that a lot of us are the people who take in the rescues from deals like this. It's not that we have a problem with breeding, it's that when you continue to argue that you're going to do what you want, not what is in the best interest of the chins or the breed of chinchillas in general you should like a little brat. So that is why you're getting treated as one. If you want treated respectfully, you need to act that way towards others.
Wow. I highly recommend finding yourself a mentor if you plan on breeding any chins at all at any time. This is just crazy. YOU didn't do any real research so it may be doubtful that YOU know how to care for chins even in the most basic way.

You say that we don't know you or how you care for your chins, WELL, you don't know us either. I've got nearly 13 years of experience breeding chins. When I started I knew nothing, but I knew enough to find some experienced people, who knew everything about chinchillas. A couple of those people had been breeding chins for over 40 years! That's nearly three times longer than you have been alive.

If you can't take people asking you questions or telling you how to do things properly, just leave. You're going to do what you want regardless of what anyone else recommends or suggests. That is a real sign of immaturity and you need to just stop acting that way. The plain fact is that you didn't get the answers that you wanted and you sort of flipped out. That's life. I wish that everyone always agreed with every little thing I said and did, but sadly, as an adult, that rarely happens.

Not to sort of have to earn the respect you crave so much. Show some respect and you will get some in return.
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Why get your male fixed when you are going to seperate them anyways? I thought I was doing the right thing by getting my male fixed so i could have my pair back together and he died from it. Why put him through it if he's going to be seprated anyways. My female still hasn't totally gotten over it and Neko has been gone for over a year, even with a new cagemate she is still not the same. Think of how this is going to effect both of your chinchillas instead of just saying getting him fixed is going to be the answer. And to where you say your dad will pay for it, there is going to be a time he stops paying for it. I manage 6 chins, a hamster and 2 dogs on my own. Chinchilla vets are way more expensive than just taking your dog. I spent 80 bucks for 3 shots for my dogs, I'm could lay money on it that the same thing for a Chinchlla is nearly double or tripple. Oh and finding a good vet is hard too. I thought my vet was pretty good because he 'claimed' to be experinced in small exotics. Turns out my Neko was the first chin to survive the neuter. Just take a step back and look at everyone and thing that is going to be affected by your choice.
Here is the thing with chinchillas (I'm going to assume you paid some attention in whatever sex ed class you've taken as a 14 year old): females have uterine horns. That means that their uterus is basically split in two. We'll play the hypothetical game: hypothetically, your chinchilla is pregnant now, and is going to have babies on July 4th. These babies are in uterus horn 'A'. Her 'boyfriend' can still have sex with her, and can get her pregnant in uterus horn 'B'--TODAY. Or any day leading up to and including July 4th. Earlier than today, actually. So even if you remove the male from the cage when you see a baby, it is already too late, and you've got ANOTHER litter on the way.
They are not humans: if humans were like chinchillas, then it's the same thing as a person having sex and getting pregnant while already 8 or 9 months pregnant, so that when their first baby is 8 or 9 months old, they have a SECOND baby.
It is really unhealthy for this to happen, because mom chinchilla is trying to produce enough milk for the babies that have already been born, but at the same time she's growing more babies inside of her, and is trying to keep her own strength up too-the chances are very high that she will die when giving birth to the second litter, no matter what '' says.
I received a male and female pair of standard chinchillas from a breeder without pedigrees, which is a lot like getting chinchillas from a pet store, in my opinion, and they had a baby who I named Ivan. When he was 3 weeks old, he was paralyzed from the neck down, and I had to take him with me everywhere, even to work, to hand feed him and everything. Are you prepared to sacrifice your summer if something like this happens? You're 14, you have a lot of things you could be doing with friends--none of them involve carrying baby chinchillas around and feeding them, as well as stimulating them so that they poop and pee. Do you think you can sit there and rub a little chinchilla's butt so that he or she poops into your hands? Can you deal with getting chinchilla pee all over your fingers? What if they die? Won't you be sad? Ivan died and I still cry over him--I put weeks of work into making him walk again, only to have him die at 4 months of age. He wasn't even half grown yet.
We do have lives, and all of them involve caring for and loving our animals. We aren't trying to keep you from having fun, or seeing cute little chinchilla babies. We're trying to keep your animals from dying in pain-I am not saying that you're a bad owner, but there are many things that can happen that are out of your control. If your female chinchilla gives birth the wrong way (it's called a breach birth), the chances are almost 100% that she will die; and only in miracles do baby chinchillas survive when the mother dies. I have read of only one instance out of 30 or more on this site.
The least you can do is to contact a breeder in your area who could be your mentor/teacher, who can tell you when things are going wrong, or who might be able to take care of the babies if the mom dies or rejects them. If anyone on this forum is a breeder in your area, they may be willing to help you even if they disagree with your decision.
Please at least think about what you're doing, or have your parents read this thread. I don't think they'd be happy to find out that they could be spending thousands of dollars on chinchillas that may die anyway--if they have Malo, if the mother rejects them, if they spend sleepless weeks trying to keep them alive, or if they catch a cold from you or your family or your other pets.
It's most important for you to know that chinchillas don't get lonely when they are separated from their 'mates'. A chinchilla will be lonely if you don't play with it, or if it is totally ignored, isolated in a room for 20 hours a day or more. Your boy and girl chinchillas will be fine if you separate them. Build another cage. Do the right thing, and separate them now.
I'm going to send this to you in a private message also so that you can at least skim it.