No, Mark. It is your perceived reality. If very breeder has the same attitude as you then it is no wonder the pet chins are as you say - there is absolutely no reason for pet chins to be crappy.Claire, I realize you don't want to aknowledge it, but it is reality. I've lived through it and seen it from both times. The reality here in the states is the crap chinchillas that used to be a breeders pelts are no unloaded by breeders as pet quality. That's what the pet market created here, another way to unload crappy chinchillas without having to wait 7-10 months to pelt. That is the reality, and with that brings all the weak gene pool animals spread out throughout the public.
Here in the UK it is not the same. Just because we do not have pelting does not mean that our chinchillas are of any less quality than yours. We only have a pet market - yes we have some lesser quality chins but we also have ribbons winners & GSCs who are judged using the same criteria you do.
My point, which you refuse to acknowledge, is that you don't have to be pelting to breed for or assess quality. You simply have to have good criteria for judging the animals.