New CN and liter pan.

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2010
I'm getting a Critter Nation cage today for my female Chin Cindy. She always seems to go to the bathroom in the same spot. I was wondering do you think if I put a corner liter pan in the cage she would use it? Any suggestions for the cage are welcome.
Chins are usually able to be litter trained, at least for pee. Putting a pan down there with some bedding will give them the right idea.
Our chin uses a corner pan. I use a square cake pan. It's not 100% fool proof, but she uses it most of the time.
Flea uses his pan most of the time. The first few cleanings, I put some of his soiled litter in there just to remind him that that was his normal spot.
i but the metal cake pans from the dollar store & use them in all my cages. they all use them.......but some use them exclusively and others occassionally. it cant hurt to try it.
Thanks everyone. Cage is up and Cindy is loving it! I put a cake pan in her cage and haven't seen any wet spots outside the cake pan yet. Yay!!