New Chin owner/ questions! plus pic!

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Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself. I am Alyson, and I am from Ontario, Canada. I recently acquired a 3 month old male chin. I have had him for just over a week now. My question is...he spends all of his free range time playing under my bed. It is impossible to get him to come out, which makes it very hard to bond with him. If he ever comes is usually my only chance to get him back in his cage, so I end up trying to corral him when he shows his face. I fear this is going to make him think...why come out if she is just going to put me back in my cage? It's making things SO difficult. I know I have only had him for a week, but I am eager to bond with my little buddy. He is not hand shy when I pet him in his cage. He will hop onto my hands or up my arms...just seems he really enjoys it under my bed, haha. Well, here is a pic! He is currently nameless.

Welcome! He's a very pretty boy :) I would suggest trying playtime in a place like the bathroom where there is nowhere he can get under or you can purchase a play pen the keep him in a certain place in your room, but not under your bed ;) This will force him to interact with you and give you more time to bond. Good luck!
Yes a chinproof bathroom is a great play area :)

I use the playpens, but I dont connect them, to make a circle, I just put it from wall to wall where I dont want them to go. So they stay where I want them, away from cords and my entertainment center.

Your baby is adoreable!

You can also use the dust to get him in and out of the cage and to and from play area if that is an issue too.
He is super cute! For playtime you don't really want them to run and simply hide, so I can totally see your frustration when he just goes under your bed. Playtime should be in an area like Kim said--the bathroom where it's difficult just to hide. You can sit on the floor in there with him and watch him hop all over and hopefully he'll hop on you and include you in his playtime. Or yes get a playpen and and things for him to play in and on such as cardboard or pvc piping.
Hi there, and congrats on your super cute chin! When I first got my boy he darted for under the bed, which became a problem. What I ended up doing (since I have to share a bathroom with other people) was taping cardboard just under the bed so he can't get under there (and he can't chew the stuff either). If it's possible to do something like that, it really worked for me, and now I always know where he is n.n
Hope it helps~
Since you've only had him a week, instead of having playtime, just sit outside of the cage and place one of your hands in the cage so your little guy can come and explore you as he pleases. You can talk softly to him while you do this. After awhile, he will probably start to jump onto your hand, which means you've gained some of his trust.

After that happens, I would suggest having playtime in a playpen onto which the cage opens. That way you can open the cage door, sit in the playpen and let your chinnie come out if he feels like it. If he doesn't come out, don't try to take him out, just sit there and talk softly to him. He WILL come out eventually! (although it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for this to happen)

When he does come out of his cage into the playpen, let him explore you while you sit in the playpen, but don't try to pick him up. Just let him take his time exploring you, getting to know you more, and figuring out that you won't hurt him. After awhile he'll probably start using you as his own personal jungle gym. At that point, it will probably be easier to let him have playtime in your whole room.

It can take awhile to gain the trust of a chinchilla, but once you have, it's so worth it :)
Thank you everyone for your responses! Peachy- He already will climb up my arms and onto my hands when I open his cage doors. He will also come out on his own already. Last night he figured out how to jump ON to my bed, hahaha. Do chins calm down a bit with age?
That's great that he's getting used to you. Every chin is different but I want to say that some may get calmer with age but some won't. I think they are all the same as far as how they act the second they get out for playtime though.
Thanks guys! Still have not came up with a name! He sure enjoys his time out, wow! He can't wait to jump out each night for his free range time. I found a way to keep him out from under my is mostly successful. He spends most of his time running around from each side of my room, jumping onto my chair, or on my laundry basket. He sure if fun to watch. He will let me touch him for about 3 seconds at a time, haha. But if I am walking around my room, he isn't shy and will hop up to say "hi". My boyfriend and I layed on the floor on the weekend and he jumped all over us. It was very cute. I got him some apple wood sticks, and wow! He loves those!