Even if you do see it, it is mostly normal. My non-drooling malo chins sometimes would have some drool for a couple of days after. The teeth are sensitive-depending on how much structure the vet had to remove to get rid of the point. There are teeny passages in the teeth called dentinal tubules, and they originate from the inner surface of the pulp ( the nerve of the tooth) and travel perpendicularly from the pulp to the surface of the tooth stopping at the undersurface of the enamel, or the surface of the root itself in areas where it is not covered with enamel.
The tubules contain tiny projections of cells that line the inside of the pulp. These cells are called odontoblasts, and they are actually the covering layer of the nerve itself. So when the vet trims the tooth the dentin is exposed, it can be sensitive to touch, air and other things because all this can cause movement of the fluid in the odontoblast projections inside the tubules. This movement of fluid can be sensed by nerve endings in the dental pulp. Calcium seals these tubules over time if a large point is removed or a large amount of tooth surface is removed and over time the tooth is remineralized. Its why with malo chins its a good idea to suppliment CA, to help the process speed up.