I'm not sure that anything I said was untrue. I will say that not ALL members will stop answering questions, but I guarantee many will be fed up after a period of time. Doing one thing wrong will not get you ignored or persecuted, but repeatedly going against advice then getting defensive when others express disapproval will eventually keep members from bothering. Your very statement of "Don't come to my threads then," is the start of exactly that.
I'm not sure how you can "fix" quarantine being broken. It's one of those things that, if it happens, you can't undo it. You can sure as heck try harder to maintain it from then on, but cross contamination can't be taken back.
I'm not sure why you didn't let your family know what was going on. The responsible thing would have been to inform them so they didn't interfere. Quarantine is important enough that you should've let her know, left a note, or done SOMETHING to make sure they were not disturbed. Had one of the new boys had Giardia or something this wouldn't even be a question.
Everyone here has been trying to coax you into being a responsible chin owner, and as far as picking out good food, toys, and accomodations you've been a success. However, you aren't being careful. As stated before, you're cutting corners. Not definitively getting their genders initially, not maintaining quarantine, not giving them time to set in: these are all issues you were warned about ahead of time that could have been disastrous for you. I'm very glad that you were lucky.
As you said before, you do get defensive. Read my last post again, tell me where I'm wrong, and think about my intentions. I'm not here to attack people. I'm here to share my opinions and experiences. In my opinion you are making progress in some areas, and from my experience you need to start trusting people a little better in other areas. You can either take that suggestion or leave it.