My new chinnys along with the first decent pictures of my original

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Agreed. I worry that he's trying to rush things with the quarantine and not being patient with the little boys he took in. Guess there's not much we can do though, right?
well apparently not, since the consensus was not to bring them home..... :banghead:
As long as Lee continues to consult the forums and is willing to learn and improve, then really I see no reason to keep on his case. He's taken on two chins that someone no longer wanted nor really cared much for by the looks of things, so I'm sure they'll be better off with him than being stuck in that itty bitty cage with very little attention. I bet in no time, those chins will have a lovely big cage with tonnes of toys and will be ordering all kinds of the latest gizmos and gadgets from people here. Everyone has to start somewhere and good Lord when I first got into chins I was pretty ill informed myself but have come a LONG way.
These experiences have their good and their bad, Lee, and I hope you'll consider both:

You've brought home two chins very soon after you got your first one and with a lot left to learn in terms of proper chinchilla care.
Good: You're doing your best to give two animals a better home than they were originally in, and they may end up happier and healthier because of it.
Bad: You seem to be rushing things in terms of getting to know your first chin and how to care for him before increasing your responsibility three-fold. This may damage the relationship you have with your first chin and having more chins before you're ready will undoubtedly affect the quality of their care.

You've taken your new chins out for play time very soon after acquiring them.
Good: They've gotten the opportunity to play a little bit and probably get to know you a little bit better.
Bad: You may have stressed them so much in the process that the playtime was really counter productive, and by admission you had a hard time with them when play time was over. This probably set your relationship back with them further than play time stepped it forward.

You've broken quarantine.
Good: Luckily you haven't had any issues so far and your chins are able to communicate with each other from across the room and get to know one another a bit. Your family is also now in the loop with the fact that you've got three times the number of chins you had last week.
Bad: You've risked making both sets of chins sick due to contact with one another or due to the stress of knowing more chins are around. This can be very dangerous.

All I can say is that I hope you thought about the pros and cons of these decisions very thoroughly and are paying very careful attention to your chins. I also hope that you're lucky enough to not reap what you've sown in bad choices. You've been very well informed across this entire forum, thread after thread, and no amount of experience or advice seems to be swaying your choices in the slightest. I applaud your desire to help animals in need and spoil those you've taken in, but you need to be sure that the corners you're cutting while indulging those desires do not work against your original goals. Taking short cuts on protocols proven effective time and again by the experienced breeders, rescues, and hobbyists represented on this forum is not innovative; it is irresponsible.

I find it ironic that you ask so many questions, are given so much advice, follow barely any of it, then expect this forum to not only be supportive of your decisions but also continue to provide you with advice and information. You need to realize that at a point the members here will get fed up, and will not bother with your questions for one simple reason: What good will it do?

Carol-Anne I completely agree to a point. We all started somewhere and were probably initially ill-informed. The difference here is that Lee has NOT been ill-informed. He has just been intentionally going against the advice he has been given despite all of the evidence that his decisions could endanger his chins' health and their relationship with him. If there was a sign of improvement in his adherence to safety measures, that would be one thing. But so far I haven't seen this willingness to learn and improve that you've mentioned; it's been a "Well this is what I'm doing and I know it's against what you guys recommended but I have an excuse for doing it so oh well now what?"
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Ok im just gonna say this much
My mother moved them from the spare bedroom to my room
She only saw the standard since the beige hangs out in the house more she thought i left my chinchilla (upgrayedd) upstairs after playtime
I didn't just decide they need to hang out
My mom is very oblivious she once brought me down my nephews leapster and said i forgot my psp upstairs... She doesnt pay much attention to anything of mine
So yea
And ive been learning and improving on a daily basis
If i refused to learn im pretty sure id be at petco everyday buying there food there and there treats there and i wouldnt be spending all the money i do to order stuff online and make sure they have all the stuff they could ever desire.
Also i took them out for playtime because i figured they needed to atleast stretch their legs and that didnt go well now they wont have playtime till they trust me.
These animals are perfectly fine
Yes its bad that quarantine was broken ill admit that
But did i purposely do it? NO
Did i immediately fix the situation? Yes
Im rather done with being told i ignore everything im told because i dont the things i follow just get ignored.

Edit: I just realized that i was told that everyone is gonna stop answering my questions... So than what is the point of this site? Thats pretty cool a chinchilla forum where if you do one thing wrong your ignored WOAH Im gonna hop on that right away that sounds like a wonderful thing

Reedit: Also there are obviously some of you on here who are just gonna be negative about everything i say so why not just leave my threads alone? I dont care about what you have to say since half the time its just Oh this kid doesnt listen. I already said dont get them. Your doing it wrong but im not gonna explain how you could better how your doing anything
Your really just saying negative comments about what i do for the sake of it?
Seems dumb to me just leave the threads be than
Im about done on here anyway its by far more of a hassle than a help since at this point i feel i cant say two words without being jumped on
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And before its said that im just gonna stop learning no thats not true there are just places like this that are friendlier being on this site is stressing me out so much that im going crazy because some random people that i dont know nor know me constantly shoot me down

I have three chinchillas I take care of them all
They are in a less than perfect quarantine situation but im rather certain the world wont stop spinning
I give each of my chinchillas love affection time and care every single day
Even the two that i cant take out for playtime i sit next to their cage and give them little head scratches and talk to them everyday

Also id like to stay on here i love reading the storys and giving people the knowledge ive picked up but i just feel attacked all the time like really i did fix the situation and it wasnt my fault at first but it has been fixed
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I'm not sure that anything I said was untrue. I will say that not ALL members will stop answering questions, but I guarantee many will be fed up after a period of time. Doing one thing wrong will not get you ignored or persecuted, but repeatedly going against advice then getting defensive when others express disapproval will eventually keep members from bothering. Your very statement of "Don't come to my threads then," is the start of exactly that.

I'm not sure how you can "fix" quarantine being broken. It's one of those things that, if it happens, you can't undo it. You can sure as heck try harder to maintain it from then on, but cross contamination can't be taken back.

I'm not sure why you didn't let your family know what was going on. The responsible thing would have been to inform them so they didn't interfere. Quarantine is important enough that you should've let her know, left a note, or done SOMETHING to make sure they were not disturbed. Had one of the new boys had Giardia or something this wouldn't even be a question.

Everyone here has been trying to coax you into being a responsible chin owner, and as far as picking out good food, toys, and accomodations you've been a success. However, you aren't being careful. As stated before, you're cutting corners. Not definitively getting their genders initially, not maintaining quarantine, not giving them time to set in: these are all issues you were warned about ahead of time that could have been disastrous for you. I'm very glad that you were lucky.

As you said before, you do get defensive. Read my last post again, tell me where I'm wrong, and think about my intentions. I'm not here to attack people. I'm here to share my opinions and experiences. In my opinion you are making progress in some areas, and from my experience you need to start trusting people a little better in other areas. You can either take that suggestion or leave it.
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It's all alright. No one has to get upset. We all start somewhere.

I bought my first chin and then my second six weeks later. I was told to "quarantine" my chins but given no instructions on how to do so. I thought it meant that I should just keep them separated. So...I "quarantined" my second chinchilla in the top level of the cage that my first chin was in.

I'm not saying that that was the way to go...I just didn't really know to do anything else. Back then, quarantine was mentioned but so rarely actually followed. Most people stuck them right together. Things have changed a whole lot in the last 10 to 15 years with regard to how things are done with chins, it's almost mind boggling.

In this case with Lee's chins we'll see how it goes. The chins will probably be just fine. It isn't the best set of circumstances...but he'll do the best he can. :) Give him a chance and don't scare him off.

I had to start somewhere...there were so few places to gather info, most of the people I talked to were breeders or ranchers way back when I started. They really did do things differently than pet people do now.

At any rate...everything will be fine, we should continue to help each other and not try to make anyone feel bad.
^^^ AMEN, Susan!!!

Jeeze -- I had Mr. Whiskers in a Death Ball every night and fed him raisins in the morning AND at night when I was a newbie and had no knowledge of the forums. We all have to start somewhere, and the only way to grow is to keep asking questions and finding out why something you are doing just might NOT be the best way to do it.
^^^^^ I agree whole heartily
Like since day one ive come along way already and im only getting better and better every day. Id say most days i learn atleast one new thing and i plan on continuing to do so. Id love to stay on this site its a really wonderful thing but i feel like ive been blacklisted...
I dont really know if that makes sense to anyone but me
Ok, I'm with everyone else who smells fish in these threads. Lee, it honestly seems like you don't give a rat's behind about doing what's best for your first, and now two new, chinchillas. Every time an inconsistency in your story is pointed out, you talk out your butt to try and make it sound like everything's A-OK. You brought 2 new animals into your parents' house and they don't even know it, so that's why QT is broken? Your mom just THOUGHT you moved your animal into another room for the fun of it? Really? Are you guys actually buying this crud?

Lee, you need to start getting your stories straight and start doing what is right for your animals, instead of trying to lie and play cover up.
I said a few times already she thought that it was my original chinchilla that i left upstairs after playtime. Also im just throwing this out there my mother came with me to pick the chinchillas up.
But ill just say this one more time to specify. My mother thought i had left my chinchilla upstairs after playtime so she brought him down for me. The beige chinchilla tends to stay in the house so all she saw was the standard.
My mom cant tell the two standards apart and she thought that she was bringing my original chinchilla down. She thought that i left him up there after playtime.
Just tell me if youd like me to say that again in anymore ways. If you read through my posts in this thread im sure you can see that ive said that a good four or five times by now
My take on the situation is that your intentions are good, and it's great that you're learning, but I feel that the necessary level of responsibility and maturity isn't quite there. To properly care for a chin, you need to be 100% in control of their environment etc, and that includes being responsible enough to inform those you're living with of the situation. It also means you need to be responsible enough to not handle them when you're intoxicated (I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but it still bothers me to think of that).

I hope that you are truly learning from the community here, but I can tell you that if you are more accepting of the criticism, people are much more likely to want to help in the future. Yes, people make mistakes - we ALL have - but the key difference is whether or not you can admit you made a mistake, know and understand what went wrong, and ensure that it doesn't happen again. Not listening to tried and true advice is different than making uninformed mistakes.
Thank you Christina. You hit my point precisely without being as much of a **** disturber as I've come off to be! :neener:
Ok well the dead horse been beaten... I think it no longer exists its been beaten to that point it has become ash.
Either way ive accepted my mistake a million times and i havent repeated it
I have two cats and three chins all in the same room and they exist just fine together although for a few days i had to do the whole bad cat move them away from the chin than spray them with water routine

Here you state all three are in the same room...great...not like most of us watching your threads hadn't expected that.

Quarantine was broken around 2 days ago while i was out... Long story short they got moved out of where they were by someone who thought i forgot them there... And yes i have avoided saying this because I figured id get jumped on... So yea... I guess that cats out of the bag

If you want to be considered a RESPONSIBLE pet would have taken the necessary safety precautions to prevent breaking quarantine. I have four chins in boyfriend takes care of the chins while I'm gone and all he does is give them food and water. I told him the VERY FIRST DAY I brought the chinchillas home that they absolutely could not under ANY circumstances go near or in the chin room. THE FIRST DAY! It was irresponsible to bring those two chinchillas into the house and not explain quarantine to your mother or other members of the household. I'm assuming their intelligence isn't so low that if you HAD told them they would have still broken quarantine.

Also i thought id put this out there my first chinchilla actually plays with the cats like he messes with them by jumping up to a level where he is higher than them than go back right by the cage where they could get to him than **** jump back up and repeat and repeat

Cats=predator, chinchillas=prey...together they do not equal a healthy environment. Even if your chins are messing with the cats and such your cats should NOT be allowed to play with chinchillas. FYI...I lost a chinchilla because when I first got chins I didn't think to keep the chins safe from the cats...a cat jumped onto the top of the cage and scared the chinchilla so bad she had a heart attack and died. Chinchillas+Cats=BAD idea. have been given great advice...all of which you have failed to follow. First by getting two additional chinchillas before learning fully about your first and now with quarantine. At the same time you are posting advice to other members on the board then coming back here and claiming to not have the knowledge you JUST POSTED to someone else's thread. So what is it? Are you knowledgeable on chinchillas as you seem to be and act as though you are on other people's threads? Or are you not knowledgeable and a newbie as you claim on your threads? You can't have it both ways.

It's beating a dead horse with you because you've shown multiple times that you cannot follow advice like a mature pet owner with the well being of their animals as their main concern.
That post confused me
I dont think ive claimed to have no knowledge of things ive said nor do i claim to have tons of it
I just post in peoples threads to try and help them i pass the knowledge that ive learned on
So yea obviously ill be forever told the same things
I understand everything ive been told in this thread and i dont think it needs to be said a million more times.. But it will be

Ill go ahead and go to sleep now and read the new things tomorrow...
This would be the easiest site in the world to troll i just realized.. Random thought
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Lol I visit /b/ anyone who knows what that is understands why i always think of if a site is easy to troll or not.
Either way if i were trolling id be doing a much better job

Edit: And any troll would never ever admit to trolling or even say that a site would be easy to troll
I'd prefer admins look into this a bit more, in all honesty, seeing as you've been accused of trolling in other threads of yours prior to this comment.
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Ive been accused of trolling?
Lol thats funny i only troll on chatroulette anyway
I actually use this site for info
And if i were trolling i wouldnt help people out as much as possible by posting what i know in their threads nor would i ever ask any kind of normal questions also i would never buy chinchilla products...
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