My new chinnys along with the first decent pictures of my original

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I don't think at any point I implied you were an incompetent child, let alone a neglectful one. My advice was simply this: learn from our experience and mistakes, and continue to do so. Suggesting that doesn't mean you wouldn't have done so anyway; it's just reinforcing how important it is.

As far as my rant goes, necessity is the mother of invention. If you found it to be so crucial that they were separated, you would have found a way to do it immediately. Primarily the posts that set me off in that regard were:
I cant even touch them yet there very stressed and if i find that it is a female i will separate them but its none for sure what it is yet as the same place told them 2 different things and ive yet to ever see down there
Yea i know im going to have to make a run out to the pet store today
Its not the worst thing that could happen but its not the best thing...
Had the beige turned out to be a female, that could have led to all kinds of problems; if she wasn't pregnant already she could've become pregnant very quickly and pregnancy, let alone kit care, can be very very dangerous and are almost always very expensive from what I've heard. In the case of their discomfort now with being handled vs. their health later on, long term should have clearly taken precedence. Because of the risk involved with breeding in general, let alone pet store breeding, and of course your lack of experience it probably would have been the worst thing that could have happened short of a house fire or spontaneous chinny-specific bubonic plague. The fact that you don't seem to appreciate that is somewhat concerning.

I've let off my steam and won't go on with this any further. I just hope you can understand where I was coming from, and that it was not inteded to be an attack on your character. In fact, it was to point out how much learning and growth you've still got to do before you're completely equipped for the situations you seem to be putting yourself at risk for.

Be careful and good luck.
It is good that they have you for their chin parent. The cage looks miserably small! It must be very hard for them to live at that cage for two years of their lives.
Ok sorry i do know i get defensive so yea... and thanks for the good lucks ill post some more pictures tonight after there first bathroom play time :)
There warming up really well and i do intend to keep learning also ive been watching for aggressive behavior however i havent seen any minus the one nibbling my friend... I wonder if its bad that i kind of enjoy the fact that they are nice to me and hate everyone else
Aww they are absolutly adorable! The beige one is a beautiful color. I feel the same about the cage. I mean my little girl has a 3 level and she's just so bouncy I feel like she should have her own room. lol Good luck with everything
Ok so lst update before i abandon this thread his poo is entirely hard again. So stress can indeed cause soft poo and i just had odd timing... So hes eating his mazuri again and is doing great
I just realized i actually went to the wrong thread of mine for that last post.
Well everyone is doing pretty well so far upgrayedd (the original chin) is doing well but slightly stressed and the two new boys are warming up great there even came out today for a bathroom playtime. It broke my heart when i realized that they don't even attempt to jump... They just stayed on the floor walking around
GahhItsLee;156099 It broke my heart when i realized that they don't even attempt to jump... They just stayed on the floor walking around[/QUOTE said:
I have had Flea for a couple of months, and he was a petstore chin. He still does not jumpo around a alot in the bathroom. Just give them some time. I am going to buy a playpen for my little guy and see if he like it better (more because I don't trust my apt bathroom than anything else)
I have a cage like that, but the only time I use it is to pit Trixie in when I am cleaning her cage. I used to put her in her carrier, and found she got far too stressed for the length of time I'd have her in it. Did not want her to be afraid of her carrier.
i posted this in a different thread, but you didnt seem so see it. this really bothers me... and i hope you are doing the right thing, and not being impatient... although it seems as if you are.
Originally Posted by GahhItsLee
I have two cats and three chins all in the same room
just reading this post and noticed this..
this really bums me out Lee.... are you seriously keeping all three chins in the same room? what about the quarantine? they CANNOT be in the same room? or is this another typing mistake?
I said in the other thread that long story short someone thought i left them in another room so they wanted to be nice and took them back done here.
Basically the quarantine is completely screwed over for more than one reason.
They're all doing fine right now they've all calmed down alot and yes im aware that the quarantine is very important and should never have been broken. Im gonna get a million replys on here saying im a horrible pet owner... Have fun with that. All the chinnys are doing fine and im keeping more of an eye on them all now
so are they still in the same room?
i would hope that you at least separate them and try to go along with it. and i am not saying you are a horrible pet owner... im just saying that sometimes it is better to leave it to people who HAVE room to spare, and let it be known that certain chins cannot be moved to certain locations...but you already have them... so now is the time to listen to everyones advice, and make the best decisions possible. everyone makes mistakes... but most people learn from them.
No one should say that. You don't have the cages right up against each other do you? If not, everything will probably be alright. :) Yes, a quarantine in a room where the chins aren't in the same air space is best...but sometimes that isn't possible. Keep their cages away from each other as far a distance as you can't and have separate playtimes - clean up droppings so they don't come into contact with the other chins' poops and wash your hands before holding another chin to prevent the spread of any diseases.

It'll be alright. :) You want to make sure that you don't spread anything viral or bacterial...generally after two to three weeks there isn't much that can be spread that wouldn't have already presented itself. The exception can be parasites like Giardia that may not always show up right off the bat...

Watch the chins closely...and don't worry too much. (Just in the future, if you can, quarantine new chins from the rest.)
Well i have the room to keep them but right now there just moved into a different section of my bedroom and yes my bedroom is big enough for this.
They gotten taken out of the upstairs because apparently not everyone realized that they were even in the house so when they saw bizarro (bizzaro) (not sure how its actually spelt yet) they were like oh i wonder why lee left upgrayedd upstairs i guess ill put him back downstairs

Edit: They aren't close to eachother at all and the new ones arent even ready for a playtime yet so i dont have to worry about doing playtimes in different areas or anything.
But either way thanks for the positive input and nervousings I understand where your coming from but trust me im keeping an eye on them all and everyone is doing great and perfect and they are not near eachother just to make that clear
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ok... PLEASE just be careful... i know you are doing what you think is right, and thats ok... just make sure everyone in your house is on the same level as you are. it will help things run alot more smoothly. i also read you were having play time with them about 4 days ago...?
I did playtime and it went BAD. Playtime was decent but getting them back into their cage was not smooth and ive decided im gonna wait awhile before trying any more playtimes since i cant hold them yet.

And yes upgrayedd is the right spelling
Its got two ds for a double dose of his pimpin (idiocracy is one of my favorite movies)

Edit: Bizarro is the correct spelling for the other standard (I just googled it)
Why does it seem like nothing adds up? I'm not judging you and I'm sure you're doing as good as you can with them, but I keep reading different threads and seeing different stories from you. "Someone" just moved your chin back into your room? Wouldn't the people living in your house, who I assume would be your family, know that you're keeping them seperate since you've had them for atleast a week now? Also, I noticed in other threads that you said you have had them out for playtime, but now you are saying that they're "not ready for playtime yet." I guess I'm just saying that I'm skeptical and confused. I'm not attacking you, I think you just need to try to keep your stories consistent and true. Good luck.
this is the way i feel, as well. i am in no way attacking, or saying that he is a horrible pet owner... but most things just dont add up. all of the inconstancies just make me sad.
this is the way i feel, as well. i am in no way attacking, or saying that he is a horrible pet owner... but most things just dont add up. all of the inconstancies just make me sad.

Agreed. I worry that he's trying to rush things with the quarantine and not being patient with the little boys he took in. Guess there's not much we can do though, right?
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