My chinchilla is scratching a lot, and lost some of his fur?

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Mar 10, 2010
My chinchilla is scratching a lot, and lost some of his fur around his ears and nose. I took him to a vet and injected him with something for mites. I live in Malta and I did not find any vets that know much about chinchillas. so i am pretty worried.
He still eats and drinks, but i noticed that he is not that energetic.Could it be becuase of the shot taken yesterday? whenever i go near his cage he would want me to pick him up in order to sleep on my lap.
Anybody had anything similar? Will he be ok?
Do you know what they injected him with? If you don't know can you find out? I kind of doubt your chinchilla has mites, I think it might be something more like ringworm. Can you post a picture of the area that's bothering him?
It is hard to tell but the picture of the nose area looks very dry (and happens to be the most common place ringworm appears). My guess would be ringworm which is a common fungus that chins can get. I am not sure what you have access to there but it can be treated with Blu-Kote (found at feed stores or from Quality Mutation Chinchillas if they would ship it to you) or by putting an antifungal powder like Tinactin in your chin's dustbath. If one of those treatments did not work then a vet would be required. I cannot remember off the top of my head what the ratio of Tinactin to dust is but you can do a search for it. Lethargy is pretty serious though. Make sure he continues to eat and drink and that he is pooping normally or get him back to a vet for a check, though it sounds like you don't have a very knowledgeable one. I hope your chinnie is OK.
thanks a lot, i will buy an anti fungal powder.coz that what i can find at the moment. thanks again. will let you posted on how he is going
Correct me if I am wrong,
1 tablespoon of Tinactin to 1 cup of dust, bath everyday till fungus is gone.

Yes he may be less active because of the injection, as Jean Marie said, eating, drinking and pooping is to be monitored closely.

I am sure other members will come in to give you more input.
I would be VERY leary of a vet, that gave your chin a shot for 'mites' . I pray, it wasn't something poisionous to a chin. Watch him to make sure he eats and drinks and poops. "Saphire' is right about the amounts to use for tinactin in the dust. If you can get the blue kote that will really help.
Spidr, if you can't find Tinactin, you can also buy powdered Canesten, but in that case, I'm not sure if the medicine/dust ratio is the same. Also, when you start the treatment, you should desinfect the whole cage, accessories, bowls, shelves, etc, with alcohol. Wire can be desinfected with bleach, but everything porous (wood, plastic) has to be with alcohol. When you finish the treatment, desinfect everything again. That way, you kill all spores that may be left, so your chinnie doesn't get ringworm again.
I would like to know what exactly blue kote is and what is it used for other than for fungus.

I believe blu-kote was made for use in cattle or horses. It's used on wounds, fungus, lesions, cuts etc. It is antibacterial as well so it helps prevent infection when put on wounds.

I think it's a must have with chins. I've used it on bite wounds before and had them heal up nicely with no infection.

Spidr, if you find that the antifungal powder is not working I would try the blu-kote. I'm not sure of mail restrictions to Malta, but I do sell blu-kote also if you would like some and I can see how much it would be to send you some.
Make sure to wash your hands well before and after handling your chin in case it is ringworm. You can get it too.

I believe blu-kote was made for use in cattle or horses. It's used on wounds, fungus, lesions, cuts etc. It is antibacterial as well so it helps prevent infection when put on wounds.

I think it's a must have with chins. I've used it on bite wounds before and had them heal up nicely with no infection.

Thank you Alli, Will see if we have up here.
Thanks for all these helpful replies. First time on the forum.
I bought an anti fungal powder which i think its called dakratin (i am at work at the moment so, I will give you the exact name later). Becuase I did not find Tacatin anywere here :( Is it still good?
Another thing that is worrying me that 3 days before i noticed the fungus, I introduced him to another chin. I separated them again now. Shall I threat him too?
yes - put the fungal powder in the other's dust bath too - I haven't hear about dakratin so I can't tell you - someone else will have to answer that
Another thing that is worrying me that 3 days before i noticed the fungus, I introduced him to another chin. I separated them again now. Shall I threat him too?

Don't use the same dust bath with them, though. Give each one their individual bath with the treatment in it. If you let them share baths and the other chin does not have the fungus, he could contract it. I would also keep them quarantined from each other.
The powder is called Daktarin and it does contain miconazole.

yes i did seperate them.
At the moment its 8:17pm here and he looks really tired. altough he is still eating. I noticed that he is making smaller poop now :S
Really confused :(
Did you find out what he was injected with? It may have affected his appetite. Is he eating? Poor little guy. Hopefully the anti-fungal powder will take care of the fungus. Keeping fingers crossed for you!
No becuase my vet wasn't working today. I could'nt reach her anywere. He is eating yes.
what i noticed is that the other chin wasn't effected negativly with the shot. She gave the right amount of dosage for chinchillas (she got it from a book she had). But that was for mites....