MCBA SEC Show info

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i was also consern about the price. i also believe you have to pay per chinchilla on top of the registration price. if you were showing a handful of chins it would cost you around $100. i am not sure who has that kind of money these days.
Yes, each chinchilla is $5.00 for the first and $4.50 for each additional, unless you are a member of the MCBA, in which case it is $4.50 for the first and $4.00 for each additional.
Most MCBA shows are $5 per family, or sometimes $10 if you are not showing. IF you are showing, you pay per animal but no other cost.

Both organizations let the chapters decide on pricing, though, so different shows can have different costs.
I did not go to the show last year. However I had looked forward to being able to drive to South Carolina this year and attend. I had just assumed it would be held there again. When the show was moved to central Florida I knew I would not be able to attend. It's too far. I'm not on the list for information.........the prices posted to attend are just too high for me. Even if I could attend.
I had to read that several times before I was sure Crysta wasn't making a mistake. I don't mean this to sound rude, but don't you think an admission price like that is ridiculous? We're not talking a theme park here, it's a chinchilla show. That's almost the admission price for Disney World for a day.

I'm going to guess that this is not going to be a well attended show because people simply can't afford that kind of money just to sit and watch someone judge chins. How can it be a sanctioned show, and have enough chins, if no one can even afford to get through the door.
You do need the breeder’s permission though, if you know who
that is,
You do not need the breeder's permission. I show animals I've bought for outside opinions all the time. You just can't take breeder points for the animal.

Everyone keeps talking price, I've read that light blue text five times now and can't find it. Maybe because it is blinding me? Also, the website text and pictures overlap on all the browsers I use so I can't read that either. =(

I did want to go to Disneyworld.
the prices were released in a letter to chapter members. i think i still might have a copy of it somewhere.
The price at the SEC show in 08 wasn't this high, but since it was moved to FL, the prices went outrageous. I had to pay $5 per person in my family to get in to the SEC show in Fort Mill, but it's not anywhere near the prices they're charging now.

The information for the show was e-mailed to me, but I can't find it. I'm pretty sure I deleted it months ago since I knew I couldn't afford to drive 10 hrs and then pay a ton to just walk in.
Here's what was in the email I got (I copied and pasted stuff around so it makes more sense)

Full registration @ $30/person (PRE JAN 13, 2010)
Limited registration @ $25/person (PRE 1-13-10)

Full registration means l) you get a show book free ($5 value), 2) you’ll likely get a chin-goodie bag with coupons (we are working on several vendors to try to do this), 3) you can show a chin or chins, 4) you will have free lunch and the social with the judge after the show—the whole tamale. MOST people coming to show for the first time, and breeders, will want to do a full registration, and use limited registration for family members or friends.
Limited registration means you are accompanying someone with full registration, you get to see the show but cannot show chins, you do not get a free show book but you do get lunch.

Chins you are showing _______ @$5.00 first chin, 4.50 additional chins(subtract $.50 per chin if you are an MCBA member)
Baby derby chin (4-6 mo old)____@$4.00 (no deduction for MCBA)

I have no idea what the costs are now that the pre-registration is over with.

(ETA: haha we posted at like the same time crysta =p)
I also got my info in an email. I'll copy it here.


Here is the schedule the show will follow on Saturday Feb 13, 2010:

6 am setup in the Holiday Inn ballroom (feel free to come and help)
8-10 am registration and chin grooming, good time to look at the raffle items and read the poster presentations, look at the chins in the show for sale
10-approx 12 noon First part of the show judging, with chin classification at the start
12 noon-1 pm LUNCH with question/answer with a panel of chin breeders
1 pm-approx 3pm Chin show judging continues, RAFFLE and baby derby after lunch and at break pre-trophy awards
5 pm social in the judge’s suite at the Holiday Inn

We encourage you to preregister (DEADLINE January 13, 2010), and we’ll make it worth your while because you save money! And your registration will be refunded if you can’t come to show last minute. Here’s why: we know what the Holiday Inn will charge us to use the show room, IF we don’t have enough preregistrations to pay the bill, registration at the door will be HIGHER. It’s a win-win situation if you preregister—no risk, money back, and lower charge (maybe a lot lower).
Full registration means l) you get a show book free ($5 value), 2) you’ll likely get a chin-goodie bag with coupons (we are working on several vendors to try to do this), 3) you can show a chin or chins, 4) you will have free lunch and the social with the judge after the show—the whole tamale. MOST people coming to show for the first time, and breeders, will want to do a full registration, and use limited registration for family members or friends.
Limited registration means you are accompanying someone with full registration, you get to see the show but cannot show chins, you do not get a free show book but you do get lunch.
Chin fees are for those who are ‘showing’ chins. Baby derby fees ditto.
Photo CD—we will take pictures during the show so you don’t have to and can spend all your time watching and learning. The CD will not be ready until after the show is over (of course).
Show T shirts and stuff—you pick your own if you preregister (but not later!). ANYTHING on the website you can order, for the posted price, plus tax—and we’ll order it for you for pickup at show. You will NOT be able to get any special orders after show and the only thing that will be for sale at show will be white T shirts. (The chin show logo they’ll put on whatever you order you can view at
Carly/Charley chinchilla. These cute stuffed animals are available now, and if you want to enter the ‘best dressed chinchilla’ contest, we’ll mail your chin to you so you can design a costume for him/her. There will be awards so think “Project Runway” and wow the judges.
Junior breeder poster contest is just that—for breeders l8 years and younger who want to present a chin-related topic on a poster. There are no entry fees but there will be awards for best poster(s).
Want to bring “chin products” to sell at show? Consider renting a “table” or donating product for free table space.
Want to sponsor a trophy? We’d love that and we will announce your name and print your sponsorship in our Show Book.
Want an ad in the Show Book? Just email ad-ready copy and it will be printed exactly that way. You can advertise anything (within reason) but chin-related stuff probably is best.

HERE IS THE HOTEL INFORMATION**********************************************
To reserve a pet-friendly room at the hotel, Holiday Inn, 5905 Kirkman Road, Orlando, 32819, which is located at the intersection of Interstate 4 and the Florida Turnpike, and, until 1-13-10, your room will be $99/night, which is a discount of about a third from their usual room rate for this holiday weekend (suites are also discounted). AND that rate applies for several days before and after the show if you want to come and “do the Worlds” while you are here (all within 20 minutes of this hotel). Here’s the phone number (call before 6 pm, directly to the hotel) and say “I’m coming to the SEC chinchilla show” to get your discount: 800-327-1364 UPDATE: Hotel sold out--be in touch for an alternative pet friendly hotel.

NOW EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWS is the form you need to complete and send to Lyn Shuster at the address at the address below.

Registration for Southeast Coastal (SEC) – MCBA Live Chinchilla Show/Optional Claiming, Orlando, FL February 13, 2010 at the Holiday Inn, Kirkman Road, Orlando, FL

NAME:__________________________Others on this order:_____________________________

Evening phone ______-_______________________EMAIL:______________________________

Full registration, number this order _____ @ $30/person (PRE JAN l3, 2010) = ___________

Limited registration, number this order______@$25/person (PRE 1-13-10) = ___________

LUNCH CHOICES vegetarian #_____nonvegetarian #______

Show Book (free with full registration) ________ @$5.00/book = ___________

Chins you are showing _______ @$5.00 first chin, 4.50 additional chins
(subtract $.50 per chin if you are an MCBA member) = ___________
Baby derby chin (4-6 mo old)____@$4.00 (no deduction for MCBA) =____________

Sponsoring a trophy? ___$20 =___________

Want a product display table? $25 or contact me to donate product = __________

Show Book Ad ____half page ($15) ____full page ($25) Copy due Jan 1, 2010 =___________

Carly/Charley chinchilla stuffed animal___@$ll/each (limit 2/order, $12 at show)
Want it mailed? ____yes (add $3.00 each) otherwise pickup at show =___________ T shirt or product, please describe what you are ordering and give
the price from the website, adding 6.5% tax, and give SIZE and COLOR
_________________________________________________________________ = __________

Junior Breeder poster presentation? Name _________________________
Topic________________________________________________________ =___NC____

Photo CD of show _____@ $5.00 each Mailed to you? ____ @ $l.50/each = __________

ADD it all up for your grand total ……………………………………………………………………$ _____________

Personal check or money order should accompany this form made out to
“Lyn Sedwick Shuster, MCBA Chin Show,” and sent to me at 3030 Lake Shore Drive, Orlando FL 32803, and please remember to include your EMAIL so I can confirm your registration.
QUESTIONS? PROBLEMS? Email me at, or call evenings 407-894-4070

Lyn Shuster, Lyn's Chins,
FIRST SEC MCBA Chin Show in Florida, February 13, 2010, email me for details!
I have no idea what the costs are now that the pre-registration is over with.

She told me she would still honor my preregistration at this point. I don't have any idea if that is for anyone or if she was just trying to help me out because at that point I really wanted to go.

That's almost the admission price for Disney World for a day.

The messed up part is, that IS the cost for a Disney World admission for a day if you are a FL resident. Right now they have a pretty good admission sale going. So yeah, I could choose to go to a show, or have an entire day at Disney for the same price.
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Maybe Therese and I will just bypass the chinchilla show, and instead go see Cirque du Soleil's La Nouba at Walt Disney World. I'm thinking the cost would be the same, and I'd get to see real people flying around in the air as opposed to my chinchillas flying around while Therese and I are trying to groom. :hilarious:

By the way, Florida residents and military can get 4-day park hoppers for $99.

For those who wish to see a show in the usual Carolinas, I strongly suggest the ECBC show that just occured last weekend. Therese said it went well, and it sounds like it should become an annual event if all goes right.

I'd rather not get into discussion as to why they're dragging the event to Central Florida, and what I have to say about it. I'm sure you forum regulars have already had a thorough discussion in regards to that already. ;))
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For those who wish to see a show in the usual Carolinas, I strongly suggest the ECBC show that just occured last weekend. Therese said it went well, and it sounds like it should become an annual event if all goes right.

The Southern Unit of Ohio ECBC show is going to be an annual event. We'll announce when/where meetings will be so that we can begin planning later this year for the next show.
Last I heard there are 37 chins that are going to be shown. I asked Lyn if she will be able to get to 50 and she believes she will be able to reach that number.

I personally cannot attend but Caleigh (my daughter) will be there and showing two chins. :)
Wow. That is an amazing small show. Once they are divided into classes, it will be really crazy!
Becky..I actually thought about that too..the actual show might be what .. an hour maybe two?
It may actually be less chins, unfortunately. She may have been counting the two I was going to show, and another breeder's in FL who also decided to pull out due to the price.
That probably is the case then. This was last week that she told me how many were coming. We only entered two chins due to cost and I opted for Caleigh to go instead of myself so she could at least get a chance to groom.

We didn't do any of the extras.. the stuffed animal dress up contest , baby derby etc. as it just added on cost (plus..I wasn't really interested in the stuffed animal chin dress up contest).
Carly/Charley chinchilla stuffed animal___@$ll/each (limit 2/order, $12 at show)
Want it mailed? ____yes (add $3.00 each) otherwise pickup at show =___________ T shirt or product, please describe what you are ordering and give
the price from the website, adding 6.5% tax, and give SIZE and COLOR
__________________________________________________ _______________ = __________

Lyn bought out a woman that sold these chinchilla stuffed animals on her website. She came up with the idea to have a dress up contest for the show. If you go to her website: scroll down and you can see one that she has dressed up.

The shows I have been to didn't have any sort of contest like this that I know of. I don't think they did it last year either in SC.