non-stop poop sweeper
Allison, I sent you an order through pm. 
Oh and can someone bring me an extra dark eb male?
Oh and can someone bring me an extra dark eb male?
Is anyone passing through Louisville, KY that could possibly pick up a chinchilla for me from Nationals?
) Just let me know if you want anything! I figure I might bring simple things along as extras in case anyone wants some like willow and cardboard shredders and things.
Definitely bring some extra toys. :thumbsup: Do you have any of those wicker dumbbell toys?
Alli you may really want to bring some extra toys..I'm running dangerously low. Between Sandi and me we may buy you out. LOL
lol! Do you want hanging toys or are small toys what you're looking for?
They told me they were going to Nationals - and they're still making carriers and cages and stuff, so may still be selling dust. I need to e-mail them too.