Chinchilla Mommy
I have photos and maybe a video or 2 for you!
I'm uploading them from my camera right now.
Mason is the cutest bun ever! I showed the pics to my girls and my youngest thought he was a super fluffy dog with long earsLOL! The close-up pics of his face make me want to kiss my laptop screen! What a doll he is.
Adorablleeee ! i've always wanted a bunny, just don't have the money or the room to take care of one. I'm glad that he's okay![]()
I think that I am in love. I can't get enough of Mason... What's wrong with me??? OMG, how come he looks soooo cute in EvERY pics? Does he know that?
Thanks! I can't see them in my work computer, but will do later!
all the bunnies are SO cute. i also always wanted a bunny and was going to get one when richie came into my life.the rest is history...........
A friend of mine whom i just met a couple days ago happened to have a boy lionhead bunny, Fritz. He is about 2 years old, and Leona, my lionhead girl is about 1 year and 1/2 old. We are gonna have play dates soon, but none of our rabbits are fixed, so we'll have to be careful. I have many playpens and leashes, so it should be fine. My friend is going to come over this evening to introduce Fritz to Leona. We have been talking about marrying Leona and Fritz. (set marriage?)
We haven't decided yet either we get both of them fixed and let them be platonic husband and wife, or let them have babies. I am not sure about breeding though. I don't want their bunnies to go to irresponsible owners. One of my coworkers said that she would take a baby. So, if I decide several responsible people BEFOREHAND, we may let the couple have babies.
I'll keep you updated after their blind date.
Leona is on the left, and Fritz is on thr right.
I can't begin to tell you what a bad idea this is. There are so many bunnies in shelters needing homes. Keep the two of them apart. Like with chins and most other animals, it only takes a second to do the deed. There is no way you will be able to stop it. Letting them have a play date together is being extremely IRRESPONSIBLE.A friend of mine whom i just met a couple days ago happened to have a boy lionhead bunny, Fritz. He is about 2 years old, and Leona, my lionhead girl is about 1 year and 1/2 old. We are gonna have play dates soon, but none of our rabbits are fixed, so we'll have to be careful. I have many playpens and leashes, so it should be fine. My friend is going to come over this evening to introduce Fritz to Leona. We have been talking about marrying Leona and Fritz. (set marriage?)
We haven't decided yet either we get both of them fixed and let them be platonic husband and wife, or let them have babies. I am not sure about breeding though. I don't want their bunnies to go to irresponsible owners. One of my coworkers said that she would take a baby. So, if I decide several responsible people BEFOREHAND, we may let the couple have babies.
From The San Diego House Rabbit site. Averting pregnancy is just one reason for spay/neuter. For the house rabbit, behavior and livability in a human household may be more pressing considerations. Additionally, introducing two unaltered rabbits could result in serious injury or death as they fight for dominance. Even one unaltered rabbit of a pair will unfairly be overly attentive and frustrated. Your rabbits have a better chance of getting along as companions if both are altered.
For female rabbits, more important than behavior considerations are the health reasons to spay. Unspayed females run a very high risk of dying from uterine cancer by the age of three. That's a short lifespan for a rabbit who might otherwise grace your home and bring you love for eight to ten years.