Chinchilla Mommy
Well your thread settles everything now. When I retired I had planned on getting one last pet due to our ages and being fair. My husband and I talked about the great dane because we love them so much and know they are the right "fit" for us. Sadly they are not long lived. But we know that. Funny how you start to think of age and the ability to care for animals and have the strength to care for them. Not that we are ancient :hilarious:, but we want to be able to do some traveling and get up and go on the Harley ect.
Well I can see now that I am going for a bunny. I had one as a very long time ago. His name was Oscar and we had to keep him at my grandparents house outdoors. My father found him under a car and my brother and I did a con job on our parents to keep him. After seeing your spoiled rotten bun........I can see myself retired around the house with another rabbit in my life.
Your bunny is sooooooo darned funny. I just love all those pictures!!!!! If I didn't know any better I would say he and my cat WB ( Walnut Brain for short) are brothers. WB is 13 and lives in his own little world. He only loves us. He hates everyone else and if you wanted to cut those nails you had better have a life insurance policy. :rofl: But we wouldn't trade him for nothing. WB was thrown into a box at birth with his brother and sister and left at the pound steps on a closed Sunday. I just happened to find them and took them home. Or they would of been dead within an hour in the hot sun covered up and it was 97 degrees.
Great Danes and Rabbits live about the same amount of time actually. I love them both, Great Danes are really horses in dog costumes, did you know that? I completely understand about not wanting to be tied down by animals. My parents are at the same point in their life. If they want to fly back east in autumn for a trip, they don't want to have to worry about finding a dog sitter and leaving the dog behind. Even now I'm struggling with the number of animals I have because I moved to Texas and for X-Mas, I'm driving home in my Jetta with my dog, 3 chins, rabbit, and boyfriend. This is going to be interesting
Rabbits are really great, Mason is my one and only and he's quite the character. For a long time I didn't feel bonded to him because he was living in the garage. I didn't want to play with him much out there. Then I moved him outside and the same thing happened. I felt terrible that I wasn't spending enough time with it, so I built a C&C cage and moved him in. Best decision ever. He's easier to care for now and I never have to stress about the weather and how it affects him. He's litter box trained and his cage is so easy to clean.
:rofl: Who knows, maybe they are related!
How sad. Humans can be so evil. First off to let their cat get pregnant in the first place (knowing the population problem), then drop them off like garbage. I wish we had more responsible animal lovers in this world