Makes me feel bad... but...

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Jul 5, 2009
So, some of the neighbor kids left some food in my bathroom and it attracted a TON of fruit flies. I was too busy to deal with it yesterday, so I left out a pan of beer and let that handle some of them. But this morning, I was so fed up with them I smooshed some and vacuumed the rest up. It makes me feel bad... but it was so fun. :wacko:
I felt a little bad about the Asian beetle invasion on my college campus-- smelly, biting orange pseudo-lady bugs so thick on the windows they blocked the light-- but it was kind of cool to spray them with rubbing alcohol and watch them drop off one by one. Maybe that would work on your gnat/fruit fly problem?
My lab works with fruit flies, so I know how you feel. You can make a "fly trap" pretty easily, if you have an ongoing problem. Just take a disposable plastic cup, put a fruit peel or something they like in it, and then make a paper cone with a small opening and tape it to seal the top of the cup (inserted in toward the bottom... that way they usually find their way in but have trouble finding their way out) :))
I hate roaches and I enjoy spraying them with hair spray so they get stiff and can't move then I get some harsh clean product and spray them to make sure they don't haunt me again. Sorry if anyone here likes roaches but they can survive nuclear bombing and we can't? There is something wrong with that. Just doesn't settle right with me.
Ha, I hate those evil fake ladybugs! Windex kills them really quick. For some reason little bugs I don't feel bad about killing but spiders and stuff I do.
Arrrrg, they came back! X_X CerLynn, I've set out some of those traps and I hope those get them. D:!
I hope so too! If you do get a bunch, make sure you seal it up and throw it out before they make babies :p
We were having a bit of an issue with fruit flies. They are soooooo hard to get rid of too! I made a trap with a mixture of vinegar and sugar. Taped a funnel to the cup. I caught pretty many of them. But I have to try the fruit trap. From what I read, they are extremely attracted to really ripe bananas and sliced apples.
E...hehehe. I found the glory of foaming glass cleaner for getting rid of them. :D