Mabel and babies update

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Babies - Pork and Bean - were born March 1st. Mabel is in today to be spayed. I am nervous, but have faith in Dr Bumpers (Dr Fitzgerald trained her). While I found a home for the boys, the person doesn't have central air, just a swamp cooler. No go. So Mabel is getting spayed and we'll keep them. The other home I was talking to is a very large home (5K sq ft) but the husband said that the didn't have room for the cage (WTF?!) - I'm not letting them go if everyone isn't on board. Hence, I have 2 boys now.
I will get pics posted this weekend, they are so freaking cute I can't stand it. They are super social and little Bean is such a mama's boy, he carries on and squawks when mama is out of visual range. Pork has this thing about hanging upside down from the top of the cage. I have been calling him batman. So far today he's OK, they've been hanging with Dale for the last couple days, and he's been a great surrogate dad. They get under him and he lets them. He's grooming them and everything. :heart3:
Mabel is home. She did great. Vet even called about an hour ago to make sure she was OK. She's grumpy, but just ate a shredded wheat and kecked at me a little. Dale is doing great chinnie-sitting.