leg stuck in cage

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Your chin NEEDS to see a vet. NEEDS!!! There isn't any way around that. None of us can diagnose your chin over a computer screen. Please do the right thing.
the only ones i can get to i called and only 2 see chins the one i went to and another one and they do the same treatment
I don't understand how a vet can say that they'd do the same thing without seeing your chin or the x-rays from the other vet. That's completely illogical!

Other members have told you IN DETAIL what the issues are with the treatment program that your vet prescribed. The people who have responded to you have YEARS to DECADES of experience dealing with all aspects of chinchilla care.

Your ONLY option is to print out this thread, highlight the key pieces of information, and TAKE YOUR CHIN TO A KNOWLEDGEABLE VET. I'm floored that we're still having this discussion when your poor baby has been in pain for 2 days.
Seems strange all these vets precribe something that is unsafe, the story does not ad up beyond the first vet. Vets do not prescribe treatments over the phone without the patient being seen.
Don't all jump to conclusions, while I cannot personally vouch that she's called all the available vets I CAN say that vets in this area (she's in my neck of the woods) have been so busy that they DO treat over the phone. I had a dog that had chronic bad breath. She was a young dog, and had some plaque on her teeth, and the vet told me (over the phone w/o seeing the dog) that because of her age it was probably teething and that I shouldn't worry about it. No joke. Sure it was a dog, and a seeming non-emergency...but perhaps a vet or two in her area sees this as a non-emergency because she's already been to a vet? And they're just passing her off because the chins already been ordered treatment by another vet?

I'm just saying, very often we all jump to conclusions. I will say, I would personally drive the chin to the next nearest knowledgeable vet and refuse to leave until the animal was looked at but I'm a very aggressive person in life. I expect service.
I'm just saying, very often we all jump to conclusions. I will say, I would personally drive the chin to the next nearest knowledgeable vet and refuse to leave until the animal was looked at but I'm a very aggressive person in life. I expect service.

If that's the case, then I'll apologize for the assumption. Still, the wait and see mentality just doesn't make sense to me... especially in an emergency where the chin is in pain and will probably have to lose the leg. Like you, I would've been on that vet's doorstep until I had answers. Anything less registers as neglect in my mind.
I am peronally done with this thread, and I don't think a random person can call a vet they have not seen, get a vet on the phone, describe a treatment that involves looking at a x-ray and wound and get advice over the phone-for free, it does not ring true no matter what others say.
This chin's leg is a true emergency, and I too would be in my vet's office demanding to be seen. A good vet is not going to turn you away.

But, I did have a vet years ago, who let me down. It was Christmas Eve and my dog was on death's door and my vet wouldn't see my dog because they were closing for the holiday break. I was so angry and never used that vet again. My dog did get seen by another e-vet and was treated. But there are vets that don't really care about the best interest of the animal, and when you are in a small town, it can be tough to find another good vet.

To the OP, please do whatever it takes to get your chin out of pain. They can't tell us how much it hurts. They can't get themselves to a competent vet. They rely on us 100%. I would love to see a post from you that you are able to find a competent vet and your chin is being treated appropriately. Good luck!
please keep us updated I am truly worried for you and your chin would love picture updates and stress to try alil harder hun
Well, different parts of the country...a LOT of vets in central PA (and I deal with a LOT of them) don't see everything as an emergency especially if it was already seen by one vet. Furthermore, a LOT of local vets here in central PA are friends. If I call my vet and say Dr. Hill (who's one town away) presribed this treatment but people on the internet disagree...my vet is going to tell me to follow Dr. Hill's treatment. Period. He doesn't have the time to treat an animal that's already been seen. Furthermore, him and Dr. Hill are social friends and a LOT of vets in this area do not want to step on toes by disagreeing with another vets prescribed treatments. Makes first vet look incompetent.

That all said, I'm not saying I know what treatment this chin has or hasn't received. Animals in pain should never be let go on an "it can wait" basis. Period. This is why we advocate having a good chin knowledgeable vet BEFORE purchase of a chinchilla.

Just the same, vets are different all over the country. I know some vets in the south are not allowed seeing an animal that they are not extensively familiar with. I know vet care in other countries seems very expensive because of their human's universal healthcare...I know that here "in the country" where I live...I've volunteered at vet's offices...and not everything we consider an emergency with our chins would be by the local vets. I've seen dogs with bones sticking out of their legs...waiting in holding pens (overnight) for treatment because it wasn't an emergency. No joke. I don't care who believes me. Things are different in the country. Vets stick together, and vets treat animals by priority...THEIR priority. What THEY see as an emergency. Even routine care...say my dog is due for her vaccines in June. I wait until may to call for an appointment...well...it's too late, she's going to get her shots late because stuff like "routine care" or cosmetic procedures (ear cropping) is NOT an emergency and can wait...for MONTHS.

To the OP, it is highly recommended by everyone on this forum you find and seek treatment from another vet. Even the same vet, if you return to them and demand treatment described in this thread...worth a try. I've demanded treatment based on my own knowledge...sometimes it's worked, sometimes not. Regardless, if you should never let an animal suffer in pain, you do everything you can. Period.
Wanted to add, this isn't a debate...I'm not debating anything just trying to help everyone in this thread understand. I've spoken with the OP in private.

One of her biggest disappointments is not knowing how this happened or how to prevent it in the future. I have no answers for that as I've never had anything like this happen with a FN cage. EVER. I've never even heard of anything like this happening. I know the OP needs to get some photos up of the cage with maybe a picture and/or explanation of how/where the chin was hanging so that we may better assist in that matter. Regardless of views on care, this can be an educational thread for anyone who owns a FN cage.
thanks vyxxin! she is doing better but still not walking on it. ill take some pic latter and post them so every one can undestand what happend. how to i put pic up from my comp?
You go into post reply (not quick reply) and hit manage attachments...then upload them there.

Pictures of the chin aren't going to do any good at this point as we already know the problem...just not the extent of it. Only a vet can determine that and it seems the bull headed vet you went to was no help with that other than determining it's not broke. It's been several days now and she's still not using it. I'd say she's probably in a great deal of pain and there's likely some serious nerve damage. Have you spoken with her vet or any other vets again? Like I said, I'd just show up and insist their treatment isn't working and/or appropriate. Even print this thread out. While she may not be showing it like a human does, her lack of use on that leg indicates pain and she shouldn't be left in pain.
Ok guys, I know some of you don't believe the OP, but enough. If you keep hounding the OP it isn't likely that you will get updates. You have given her the information and now its time for her to figure out how to make it happen. Hounding people is only likely to make them walk away than to update you.

Now to the OP: I believe you are curious to figure out how it happened. I know I am too. I always read how safe FNs are, so I for one, would love to see images of your cage to see if we can figure out how this happened. Whether it was just a fluke, or if there is some serious error, something we can be aware of and warn others to prevent another chinchilla from becoming injured. I would suggest posting an image or several at various angles of your cage. If you have problems posting images, contact me privately. I'll help you get them uploaded.